Are The Democrats Revealing Their Strategy For The Mid-terms?

The Democrats surely believed that they would be rid of PDJT by now.  They stole the election, labeled it a lie to say so and thought that the public would buy their crap.  As it turns out, PDJT is still one of the most popular political figures in the country.  Arguably he is more popular now than in 2020.  What didn’t destroy him has made him stronger.

Trump has been joined by others who are standing up for values that the Democrats despise.  Among them is Florida Governor Ron DeSantis who has demonstrated conclusively that elections have consequences.  Just ask the Disney Corporation about that.  DeSantis has also demonstrated that standing up for the common people all the time is a winning strategy.

So, how will the Democrats counter the fact that more and more Republicans are willing to call them out on their failed policies?  What will they do to show the public that they are actually capable of governing without buying votes left and right?

Are the Democrats going to address the absolute disaster that has become our southern border with Mexico?  Are the Democrats going to anything about the tsunami of drugs that are flowing in from Mexico that are killing so many Americans?  What about the inflation crisis that looks like it will go over 10% by November?   How about the impending recession that is about to hit the country?  Will they do anything about the supply chain crisis?  Are the Democrats going to address the record gas prices besides giving oil from our strategic reserve to Europe?  Will they discuss the crime wave that is plaguing the major cities in this country?

I think we all know the answer to all of the above.  It is an emphatic “No!”

Over the weekend House Speaker Nancy Pelosi went on CNN to talk about the impending decision on Roe v Wade.  Of course, this is because the draft opinion was leaked to the press with the express purpose of trying to change the mind of one or more justices.

Did Pelosi talk about the legal challenges that Roe v Wade presented?  Did she mention that Ruth Bader Ginsburg considered the decision “bad law?”  Did Pelosi talk about the state of abortion in the country if the decision is properly overturned?

Again the answer to all of the above is “No!”

Partial transcript:

Who would have ever suspected that a creature like Donald Trump would become president of the United States, waving a list of judges that he would appoint, therefore getting the support of the far-right and appointing those anti-freedom justices to the court?

Lat’s parse this because I believe we will see a lot of this between now and November.  The first thing Pelosi does is to demean PDJT calling him a “creature.”  This has become typical fare for Democrats.  When their support among the public is eroding, they resort to name calling and smears to try to stay in power.

In calling PDJT a creature, Pelosi also demeans half the country.  Somehow a creature got support from half the country and got elected.  Just like Hillary, she sees much of the public as deplorables, inferior beings, who should not be trusted to exercise their right to have a say in their government.

Pelosi also smears three justices as being anti-freedom.  This is part of a continuing attempt to delegitimize the Court.  Since the Democrats can no longer depend on the Court to make law for them, they must now reduce the Court in the eyes of the public.

The mindless wonder who inhabits the White House on occasion also came out and smeared half the country.  Biden has joined Pelosi in her toxic rhetoric, claiming he no longer recognizes the GOP, which he now views as an existential threat to the nation’s democracy.

Let’s let that sink in.  Because the GOP does not agree with the Donkeys about policy, they are an “existential threat to democracy.”  Because the Supreme Court will hand down decisions they disagree with, the Court is “dangerous to the freedoms of the country.”

Rajan Lead over at American Thinker notes:

… they are going to mount a campaign of demonization, dehumanization, and delegitimization against political opponents.  They are going to use scare tactics regarding abortion and race to mobilize their fanatical base.  They are going to have “protests,” demonstrations, blockades, and chaos.  They also are going to exploit tragedies like the shooting in Buffalo to attack their political opponents.  They are likely to misuse government agencies to target opponents.

If they have come this far, perhaps they proceed on the same course after the elections.  They could refuse to concede defeat to “creatures” or claim that voter ID laws prevented minorities from voting.  Biden’s and Pelosi’s utterances prove that the Democrats are desperate and will do all they can to retain power.

Is another summer like 2020 headed for our major cities?  Just how much chaos will we see this year?  Will they “burn it down” like many of the anti-life activists are calling for?

It is time to batten down the hatches.  It looks like we have a long, hot summer ahead of us.

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