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Did Merrick Garland break the law?

According to attorney Mike Davis, Biden’s Attorney General Merrick Garland just ordered that no members of the DOJ can contact Congress.  In a Twitter thread this evening, Davis shared that AG Merrick Garland ordered all members of his corrupt DOJ to not contact Congress.

Is the mighty ship, the DOJ, leaking?

For the nth time since February, western media trumpeted the news that a major Ukrainian offensive was underway.  This time Ukraine was going to recapture several major points along the eastern and southern front.

How did work out?

Ukraine only managed to capture Sukhoy Stavok, a small village with no strategic importance. The Ukraine lost more than 1200 soldiers and almost 50 tanks. This does not even qualify as a Pyrrhic victory. The Russians still hold the territory.

Christina Laila over at TGP reports that once again, Joe Biden has threatened everyday Americans with an F-15.  The Democrats want to have civil unrest in this country so that they can steal another election.

Joe Biden on Tuesday traveled to Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania to promote his ‘Safer America Plan’ to ‘reduce gun crime.’

At one point Joe Biden went off-script and threatened “right-wing Americans.”

“For those brave right-wing Americans… if you want to fight against the country, you need an F-15. You need something little more than a gun,” said Biden.  “I’m not joking!” he added.

The backlash on social media was huge.  One of the best may have been this one:

When will Congress pull the plug on Corn Pop?

The Wall Street Journal reports, “Russia pumps almost as much oil into the global market as it did before its invasion of Ukraine. With oil prices up, Moscow is also making more money.”

How does that sanctions thing work?  Is Russia going to face a long, dark, cold winter or is it Europe who will have that privilege?

Don Surber reports:

Suddenly, I favor gun control but only for liberals. Let them live without guns.

Leslie Eastman at Legal Insurrection reports:

Recently, the Canadian government has ordered a ‘full and thorough’ investigation after a Veterans Affairs Canada employee encouraged a veteran to undergo assisted suicide when he called for help.

People are beginning to notice that the application of Canadian euthanasia laws are problematic, seemingly designed to cut the fiscal drain on the government-run medical system.

Assisted suicide is now the sixth leading cause of death in Canada.  Trudeau is just following Obama’s lead.  Obama wanted to withhold medical services past a certain age.

And people think that global depopulation is some conspiracy theory?