Never Forget

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The September 1st speech by Joe Biden at Independence Hall in Philadelphia was “one of the most menacing, bitter, angry and divisive speeches in Us political history.”  Biden’s handlers tried to walk this back the next day when the backlash was off the scales AGAIN.

The White House claimed that this was a major presidential address.  Normally such a request would result in free network coverage.  The networks, who certainly had an advance copy of the speech, recognized Biden’s declaration of war on half the country.  This was so bad that the major networks, all of them, declined to air it.

All dictators have made speeches like this when they wanted to begin rounding up dissidents and imprisoning them and worse.  When will the SWAT raids begin?  Oh, that’s right.  We have already seen that.  Ask Margorie Taylor Greene.  Ask Steve Bannon.  Other MAGA politicians have been arrested as well.

There are some who would somewhat excuse Biden because he is old and demented.  He does not know what he is doing.  It’s all his handlers.  Some of that may be true.  This quote from Jesse Kelly rings true.

The left-leaning Politico reported that the speech was Biden’s idea, not his handlers.  William Jacobson over at Legal Insurrection notes:

What we’re seeing come out is the real Joe Biden. Anybody who has followed his career knows that the 2020 portrayal of him by the media as kind grandfatherly Joe Biden is a fabrication. He was deemed the father of Borking, the vicious attacks on judicial nominees dating back many decades ago. His entire career has been one of viciously attacking people.

We now know from the Hunter Biden laptop that he sold his office to enrich his family, and his campaign worked with the media to suppress that story. So what we’re seeing is the real Joe Biden. Who you saw on that stage the other night is the real Joe Biden. It is not an anomaly. And that’s very dangerous when you have a leader who has a career of attacking people, who embraced segregationists when it was convenient for him politically, who now is attacking people who love the country and support the country as if they are somehow the problem. It’s a really nasty vicious sort of thing he’s doing. And he needs to be called out on it….

At one point in his career Biden was a nasty, vindictive, fully cognizant politician.  As noted above, Biden was the father of Borking.  Dementia almost always reveals the inner character of individuals.  Biden is now a nasty, vindictive, senile politician.  What we saw last Thursday night was true Joe Biden.  God help the country.

Never forget.