One Person’s View

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One person’s view with some thoughts of my own.

The Mar A Lago raid by the JØbama FBI/DOJ reeks of political theater with a purpose – to advance their agenda narrative and to prepare the way to more communist tyranny.

FBI director, Christopher Wray, has already publicly insinuated that MAGA people are domestic terrorists, and domestic terrorism is the greatest threat to ‘our democracy’

What about Antifa and BLM, the domestic terrorist, shakedown mafia who operated a protection racket and got big money from corporations – who destroyed cities, businesses, targeted and killed innocent law enforcement? 

And a protection racket it was.  Corporations quickly recognized that there was no protection to be forthcoming from police forces that were told to stand down, to give these people “room to destroy.”  The police in these cities also recognized that there was no support from their local governments for doing their jobs.  In fact, the opposite was true.  Police who did their jobs often became victims of smear campaigns and worse.

And the FBI was a joke.  They have demonstrated the ability to track people across the country who walked through the Capitol Building on January 6th.  Yet they could not find, identify and arrest people who were rioting night after night after night.

Where was Wray then? Why didn’t he call them terrorists? Was it because it was his agency’s operation?

Wray was silent while those groups were excused, encouraged, enabled, funded and even bailed out of jail by politicians on the left.  

Antifa and BLM and their hordes seemed to be trained in the dark arts of escalation, instigation, false flag operations – tactics known and practiced by C-A in taking down and installing governments around the world.

This was an actual insurrection going on.  Yet no one from the FBI seemed able to do anything about it.  It seems like the only thing that the FBI is good at is entrapment.  Just ask those individuals in Michigan  (6 of them) who were  enticed to join a sting operation being run by 12 FBI informants.

Those BLM funds – millions, billions extorted from corporations – went straight to the DNC coffers – except for the percentage used by the group’s fat cat leaders, who bought mansions, fancy cars, etc. In the minds of the left – it was all for the greater good – to build back better – to control resources – to hold Americans in the strangle hold of communist oppression – inflation – scarcity.  We haven’t seen anything like this since the great depression and to a lesser degree whenever a Democrat regime was in power.   

All that fat cat Democrat lucre was gained at the expense of innocent people – owners of businesses burned, families of police killed.  

Where was Wray when people brought hard proof, evidence of a fraudulent stolen election???? 

Anyone who has seen 2000 Mules knows the 2020 election was stolen.  The evidence is irrefutable.  And the technique exposed in 2000 Mules is just one of many methods that were employed.

Wray seems to be more focused against any parent who objects to their child being taught homo-bi-lesbi-perversion – instead of Math, Science, Spelling, Grammar – His agency and others called the parents who speak out violent terrorists.

Just a day or so ago – Wray was at it again – spewing leftist talking point propaganda – setting the stage – using several flaming trigger words such as ‘violence against law enforcement’. 

So can we expect another FBI dress-up drama false flag faked ‘violent attack’ – like Charlottesville, and like January 6?
A noose put on an FBI agent by a couple of guys dressed in MAGA hats?
A day-glo spray paint MAGA motto on an FBI building?
A pipe bomb found in front of an FBI office?
A Molotov Cocktail thrown through a window?
A ‘patriot march’ on the Capital Mall on Saturday in their khakis, navy shirts, dark glasses or maybe they’ll do it at night with their collection of tiki torches and confederate flags?

Or a siege on a MAGA stronghold – such as a family, who are homeschooling, who spoke out against woke agenda and maybe own a large motor vehicle to transport their 5-7 children to play groups, violin and piano lessons, doctor appointments, who are teaching their sons responsible safe use of fire arms at a local range, and didn’t get everyone in the family vaccinated for CV19? 
Make an example of them? Another Waco, Ruby Ridge, Bundy ranch?

Waco and Ruby Ridge represent evil.  What threat did a mother holding her infant represent to the FBI sniper that shot her in the head?  For that matter what threat did anyone in the house represent?

How many children died at Waco because of the incompetence  of the person in charge?

That’s how the FBI and other federal agencies roll – leftist agenda enforcement – false flag ops – political play-acting – persecution of any and all opposition.

To them – ANY DISSENT against leftist agendas – woke – green – is called hate speech, violence – and must be eliminated, silenced, censored, punished.  

After all, PC is political correctness – and that really means Punitive Conformity.  It’s the old Alinsky crap all over again – but this time – those employing Alinsky tactics are running our government.

Any opposition to the leftist agenda has been weaker and weaker every time. Now we have establishment Republicans like Wray, McConnell and Pence enabling the leftist agenda.

It appears the ship of state has been tacking, sailing back and forth, seeming to reverse course with each change of parties and administrations, but yet in reality, we have been advancing toward tyranny at a steady pace.

And tyranny it is.  The demented occupant of the Oval Office is screeching louder and louder about the half of the country that he sees as terrorists and a threat to democracy.  And those people would be anyone who supports the idea of American freedom, liberty and justice for all.

It is time to take out the trash.  The entrenched old guard like Pelosi, McCarthy, Schumer, McConnell and Clyburn have wallowed at the public trough for way too long.  It is time to freshen up the place with real people, to bring in people who are not beholden to the big money interests.