MAGA Republicans Attacked

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On Thursday, the Avatar who inhabits the White House from time to time, traveled to Springfield, Virginia to give a speech to a group of union workers.  The whole point of the talk was to try to transfer blame for the absolutely horrendous performance of the economy to Republicans who believe in free markets and capitalism rather than the stupefying and stultifying hand of government in the economy.

Adam Schiff now has competition to see who can tell the most lies.  Joe Biden:

“We’re moving in the right direction. Now we’ve gotta protect those gains … protect them from the MAGA Republicans in the House of Representatives who are threatening to destroy this progress.”

Exactly what direction is Biden referring to?  Is it a direction that rewards Communist China for all the money that was shipped to certain “investors?”

Is the right direction trying to start World War III with Russia?  The hype in Washington is pushing America almost inevitably towards a nuclear confrontation.  Is this the right direction that Biden is referring to?

Why is America supporting a dictator in Ukraine?  Is it because he jailed journalists and anyone else who raised objections to the war?  Is it because he closed down churches?  Are these the gains that must be protected from MAGA Republicans?

Was Biden talking about the economy which has been systematically destroyed on his watch?  Is this the progress that he is trying to protect?

Is sky-high inflation that is causing more and more families to have to live paycheck-to-check the progress that he is trying to protect?

Absurdly Biden claimed that wages are growing faster than inflation.  He must have stepped back into the time when Trump was President.

This speech by itself is sufficient to invoke the 25th amendment.  Clearly Biden has lost all touch with reality.

America will be moving in the right direction, when Biden and his puppet masters, are arrested for treason, sedition, and crimes against humanity.