The Big Lie

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Anytime one hears about the Democrats complaining about someone spreading lies, one can be sure the real problem is the truth is becoming exposed for all the public to see.  It is difficult to determine what lies were the biggest but certainly the idea that 81 million people actually voted for the evil old man occupying the White House on occasion is close to the top if not at the top of the list.

The Democrats know this and they will do anything to kill that story, the First Amendment be damned.  Communists create their own truths and force them upon everyone else.

This sounds an awful lot like government demanding a private party to suppress a first amendment right.  All Democrats know that this is censorship.

In typical fashion, Schumer and the token Jeffries invoked the idea of denialism.  Anytime the truth becomes uncomfortable for the Communists Democrats, they invoke the emotion-laden term denialism.

If you disagree with them about climate change, you are a climate denier.  The truth that the climate has been very gradually getting colder, has upset those plans for global domination under the guise of saving the planet.

If you question the efficacy of the “vaccines” for COVID, you are an anti-vaxxer.  One is categorized as denying the efficacy of any medical therapy that helps prevent disease.  This is despite the volumes of scientific that shows the ineffectiveness of the mRNA therapies and the disastrous numbers of debilitating and deadly side effects.

Another example of the “Big Lie” was the one about natural immunity from COVID.  How many people were forced to get jabbed even though they had had COVID?  How many of those people are now disabled or dead?

Schumer knows and Jeffries is finding out belatedly that this truth about the 2020 election is a snowball that is getting bigger and gaining momentum.  For Schumer to issue such a public letter calling for a violation of the First Amendment shows just how panicked the Democrats are.  It also should be grounds for impeachment for violating his oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution.  Lots of luck on that one, of course.  No actions were ever taken after he threatened the Supreme Court justices over Roe v Wade.

3 thoughts on “The Big Lie

  1. Joanna Jones

    It’s interesting to see how politics can influence the way we perceive and interpret the truth. The fact that the Democrats are being accused of spreading lies and trying to suppress the truth about the 2020 elections is concerning. But what’s even more concerning is the way in which they are trying to do it. It’s understandable that people have different opinions and beliefs, but when those beliefs are forced upon others and result in censorship, that’s when we start to see a real problem. It’s almost like we’re living in a society where the government is trying to create their own version of the truth, and anyone who disagrees with them is labeled as a denier. This reminds me of the quote “History is written by the victors” – in this case, it seems like the Democrats are trying to be the victors by silencing those who don’t agree with them. So my question is, where do we draw the line between freedom of speech and censorship, and how do we

  2. Pingback: Bipartisan Censorship – Liberty's Refuge

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