General Mike Flynn Speaks

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General Flynn, who was bloodied by the Deep State at the beginning od PDJT’s term, speaks to the heart and soul of America.  I present his thoughts without additional comment.

Freedom runs through the blood of all Americans, but we are not alone. Every human cherishes the choice to dictate how their lives should look. What we are facing in the United States of America is what every person on the planet who believes in human rights is facing. Nations around the world are trying to hold on to their freedoms, while continuing to look towards America with hope.  

For ten years, I studied and trained for war in Europe. I understand warfare and I understand what we’re up against. I have knowledge of communism, fascism, Islamism, and imperialism. These ideologies are opposed to what we have in the United States of America, which is a functioning constitutional republic with foundations built on capitalism.  

The war in Europe is not simply between Russia and Ukraine, it’s between an emerging alliance of Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, and Venezuela. Additionally, we are now seeing other actors beginning to participate in economic components of that alliance such as Saudi Arabia, India, and South Africa.    

The leader of the globalist alliance in terms of nation states, is China. Essentially the end state of their 100-year plan is for China to be the single world superpower. China is leveraging this current globalist alliance and people need to understand that if China becomes the global superpower, then freedom loses, human rights lose and countries like America lose.  

It does not make sense for the western world, which values peace and freedom, to support this emerging war. I personally don’t believe in war unless there are clear objectives and a path to victory. Most of the world is anti-war, yet our government continues to support unnecessary death by arming Ukraine with money, resources, weapons, and ammunition. All we’re doing is adding fuel to an already raging fire.  

Warfare is not fair. War is devastatingly brutal and unfair. If you fight wars fairly, then you’re probably going to lose. The tactics I see on the battlefield, both from Russia and from Ukraine, are abhorrent. This war will result in the death of innocent and peaceful citizens on both sides, yet the Uniparty, their cohorts in the media and the military industrial complex push us further into the furnace with their propaganda.  

Years ago, I wrote an article which landed me in hot water. The piece detailed how America has excelled at participating in wars, but not winning them. Have you heard the phrase, “War is a racket”? Meaning that war is a very profitable endeavor for those who don’t have to fight in it. Our government wastes trillions on endless wars. There is no winning in these wars, these are solely battles of participation.  

Additionally, war is often utilized as a great distraction. Remember, we are emersed in a battle of narratives for the heart and soul of the entire world. The war in Europe, is a great distraction which is sadly accompanied by massive death and destruction. The United States of America is sending billions across the globe, while being systematically destroyed domestically. With this over-focus on war, impactful moves are being made elsewhere under the radar.  

The other component of warfare is its reliance on deception. The strategic narrative being played is to focus the world against Russia. It is a false narrative that the world is against Russia. When you hear that on the news, know that it’s simply not a factual statement. Meanwhile, if you dare to take an antiwar stance, you’re immediately labeled as pro-Putin, which I am not.  

Growing masses in the United States of America are tired of the ongoing persecution and deceit from this government. They crave honesty and accountability. The truth can be ugly, but we can take it and we must demand it.

“For nothing is secret that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light.” Luke 8:17. I am an eye witness to the importance of finding and exposing the truth.

The voice of the American people will continue to grow louder and that is extremely important, as it is the one voice the enemy can’t shut down. The world still looks towards America. People are not exiting our great country, instead they continue to put everything they have on the line to live with our freedoms.  

Millions have sacrificed for the freedoms that we are allowing to slip through our fingertips. I’m not asking for you to enlist and risk your life, I’m asking for you to stand and speak to that which you believe in. If you stand firm in what you believe, then you can defeat any enemy individually.  

Today’s battle doesn’t require a military background. What we need, are waitresses, mechanics, parents, police officers, farmers and business owners, with an appreciation for the American dream and an understanding that its beauty is in jeopardy.  

Teachers still ask their students what they want to be when they grow up, and their dreams are worth protecting. Those of us in America who bleed freedom, will never give up on it.


1 thought on “General Mike Flynn Speaks

  1. Jerome Boyce

    Sir, there are millions of the BABY BOOMER GENERATION praying for the right one to issue the CALL. Should you call WE WILL answer with all all that we can muster.
    God Bless You🎚

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