A Supreme Court Coup?

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One of the items that sticks in the craw of Communists Democrats is the fact that there are now 6 justices that actually issue opinions based on the Constitution when deciding a case.  For decades the Court had been dominated by justices who believed that it was their duty to define the law in terms of their own political philosophy.  That ended when Trump nominated and the Republican Senate confirmed three justices that pay attention to the Constitution.

Of course, these confirmations were not without controversy.  Particularly galling was the circus put on by the Democrats during the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings.  People were given money to disrupt the hearings. Based on current Democratic definitions, shouldn’t those disruptions be considered an insurrection?

With the door closing on getting biased rulings from the court, the Democrats have taken every opportunity to undermine the legitimacy of the Court.  Protesters in violation of federal law have attempted to coerce conservative justices at their homes.  Where are the Democrats in response to this?

A man attempted to assassinate Justice Kavanaugh.  What were the reactions of Democrats?  Did they stand back and express horror at this?  Of course, they did not.  Some attempted to rationalize the attempted assassination saying they understood the anger.  Senator Elizabeth Warren denounced the “extremists” on the Supreme Court lying about what would happen if Roe v Wade was overturned.  Of course, it was and the only thing that has happened since then is that more children are not being murdered in the womb.

Having lost that battle and being effectively fact checked by people like Tucker Carlson, the Democrats have switched tactics.  This is really rich.  They claim the Court is corrupt and needs Congress to pass a code of ethics to reign in the corruption that only a Democrat can see.  People who have been imbibing at the public trough for their entire careers in Washington are now calling the Court corrupt.

The Supreme Court had asked Congress to increase funding to help protect the justices: $5,897,000 for the “expansion of protective activities” and a separate increase of $585,000 for new IT security positions in “cybersecurity, software development, and network engineering.”

Fifteen members of the Democratic Caucus have proposed language to be attached to next year’s Supreme Court funding bill requiring the court to adopt new processes for recusals and ethics allegations—essentially making the court answerable to Congress.

There was a time when even the Left would see this as an attempt at intimidating the Court.  This violates the basic tenet of how our government is constituted.  America has three co-equal branches of government.  No one branch is subservient to any other branch.  To attempt to coerce the Court created a firestorm in the public.  This was demonstrated in the fiery speeches of two Senators.

Sens. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and Josh Hawley, R-Mo., tore into their Democratic colleagues for “threatening to cut off the funding for the security at the Supreme Court,” as Cruz said.  “The Left is willing to threaten the lives of the justices.  This is disgraceful.”

Hawley was just as direct.  “The threat is, ‘We will deny you security, unless you do what we want. We will deny you security unless you do what we want,’” he said. “We had an assassin come to the home of Justice [Brett] Kavanaugh and try to murder him. We have had credible threats on the lives of other justices. And now members of this body say ‘We will deny you security for you, your families, your children, unless you do what we want.’”

“Extraordinary,” Hawley said, shaking his head.

The Left has taken over the Executive branch of our government.  We see this over and over again within the DOJ and FBI as well as other branches of the government.  They are now trying to execute another coup and take over the control of the Supreme Court.  Let your elected representative know that we are all watching what they do.