Trump Op-Ed

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PDJT has been battered again and again since June 2015 when he came down the escalator to announce his candidacy.  Since PDJT embarked on this journey, it has been a moral crusade, one that has resonated with the people of this country and with others around the world.  Regardless of what they have thrown at him, the baseless impeachments, the current made-up legal challenges, the people are seeing through the BS and the smokescreens that have been thrown up.

On Monday, PDJT released an op-ed in Newsweek that destroys the woke establishment in Washington.  It distills the issues, events and consequences of all that has transpired.  As President Trump notes toward the end of his discussion, “there must be a reckoning.”

“The report by Special Counsel John Durham makes clear beyond a shred of doubt that the Russia Hoax was the most atrocious weaponization of our government in American history. It was a crime like no other.

Seven years ago, I ran for office taking on all the most corrupt forces and entrenched interests in our nation’s capital. My agenda was an existential threat to a Washington establishment that got rich and powerful bleeding America dry.

I vowed to stop mass illegal immigration, terminate globalist trade deals, end the sellout of our country to Communist China, stand up to the permanent bureaucracy and the corporate media, and break the neocon addiction to endless foreign wars.

In response, an unelected cabal in the senior ranks of our government, in concert with their chosen candidate, Hillary Clinton, and their allies in the media, launched the de-facto coup attempt known as the Russia Hoax.

Their goal was to prevent my election, and failing that, to throw me out of office or sabotage my presidency, undercut my agenda in Congress, block my domestic reforms, and interfere with my foreign policy

For nearly three years, they carried out a massive disinformation campaign and lawless persecution based on the monstrous lie that I was a traitor to my country.

These Deep State plotters spied on my campaign. They forged false evidence to get illegal surveillance warrants and smear innocent people through leaks to the media. They offered $1 million for a fictitious dossier written by a foreign spy to try to frame me with treason. They shattered countless lives.

The Durham Report proves that the key figures involved knew from the start that the Russia Collusion conspiracy theory was a lie. The FBI launched their witch hunt without a scrap of legitimate evidence—and when they came upon exonerating information time after time, they covered it up and kept the hoax going forward.

The sickness was driven from the very top. FBI Director James Comey constantly pressured agents for more surveillance and warrants, demanding to know over and over “Where is the FISA, where is the FISA?”

Barack Obama and Joe Biden were in on it, too. They were briefed in August 2016 on reports that Clinton planned to “vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by the Russian Security Services.”

They knew the truth, yet they put our country through hell.

As savage and cruel as the Russia Hoax was for me, my family, my staff, and so many innocent bystanders, the real victims were the American People.

The destruction this hoax caused to America is almost incalculable. It subverted our democracy, it threatened our security, and it endangered our freedom.

At a critical moment when we should have been reducing tensions with Russia, the Russia Hoax stoked mass hysteria that helped drive Russia straight into the arms of China.

Instead of having a better relationship with Russia as I worked to build, we now have a proxy war with Russia, fueled in part by the lingering fumes of Russiagate delirium. Ukraine has been utterly devastated. Untold numbers of people have been killed. And we could very well end up in World War III.

As the Twitter Files have proven, the Radical Left establishment also used the Russia Hoax to attack freedom of speech. They built a sprawling domestic censorship regime under the guise of combatting so-called “Russian disinformation”—which they quickly defined to include any content they did not like.

The intelligence community, the media, and the Silicon Valley tech companies then deployed this very pretext, “Russian disinformation,” to censor the Biden corruption scandal in 2020—censorship orchestrated, as we now know, by the Biden campaign.

In one poll last year, 79 percent of Americans following the story about Hunter Biden’s sordid laptop said truthful coverage of that wrongly censored story would have changed the outcome of the election. Our country is now paying a very steep price.

Perhaps most dangerous of all, the Russia Hoax normalized the weaponization of law enforcement against the Left’s political enemies. The Radical Democrats and their media partners now cheer as Biden’s DOJ demands the FBI investigate parents at school board meetings, deploys heavily armed teams to arrest pro-life activists, and pursues an all-out persecution of Joe Biden’s leading opponent for the presidency.

These corrupted agencies have interfered in every election since 2016—and they are interfering in the 2024 election before our very eyes.

There must be a reckoning. Accountability now lies in the hands of the voters. The Durham Report has made the stakes abundantly clear, and now the choice is ours: either the Deep State destroys America, or we destroy the Deep State.”

The indifference of affluent America must be overcome.  The evil that exists in Washington must be broadcast for the whole world to see.  This is literally good vs evil.

This not morality vs facts.  Trump has both the moral argument – lying Government employees carrying out a coup is morally wrong – and the factual argument that it was a hoax proven so by Durham – on his side.

The moral argument is that the US Government is wholly corrupt. It lies to destroy its enemies, and it believes that the ends justify the means. The only solution to this is to go in and gut those organizations, fire most, prosecute many, imprison some.

The Democrats are literally laughing at us.  Administration elites show disdain for any Congressional committee that requires them to testify.  During the Archer hearings on Monday, their defense of Biden’s corrupt dealings was that Biden was on those calls “just to say ‘Hi!’”  That is a losing moral argument because it says Democrats think taking bribes is a joke.  Of course, there are some RINOs who feel the same way.  Taking bribes, in this case millions of dollars in bribes, is wrong.  These are evil people and they need to be stopped.

Of course, it is not just Biden.  There is a whole passel of politicians in Washington who have “benefitted” from this moral debauchery.  There are mega-corporations who gain from the policies that have been bought and paid for.  There are NGOs like the Lutherans and the Catholic Bishops who rake in the millions of dollars from the child trafficking that is going on.  The people in the pews may not know this but the elites upstairs certainly do.

What are the results of this moral debauchery?

  • 70,000 fentanyl deaths a year
  • Tens of thousands of children trafficked a year
  • Uncounted numbers of deaths from the mRNA jabs put out by Big Pharma
  • A million dead and wounded Ukrainians

We need to make “Democrat” a dirty word.  Democrats are the party of bribery.  Democrats are the party of quid pro quo.  Democrats are the party of coup d’etat.  Democrats are the party of slavery, the party of censorship, the party of sexual perversions.  Democrats are the party of groomers of our children.  Democrats are for porn in our schools.  Democrats are the party that steals elections.

Let ‘D’ stand for demonic, debased, debauched, deadbeat, deceitful, degenerate, doper, disloyal, delusional, deranged, dirty, dishonest, dysfunctional and depraved.

To summarize this, people throughout history have fought for a better life.  We need to do that now.  We need to utilize all the tools at our disposal.  We either do that or we wind up as slaves in a globalist world.

The globalists are a minority.  Yes, they do control a lot of levers of power.  However, there is a world full of people who want what we want.  Look at the riots in France, the farmers in the Netherlands, the Canadian Freedom Convoy and the riots in Germany.  Look at the elections in Italy and Sweden.  We may not have the power of the globalists at this point in time.  But this is a start.

Trump is our leader and he is admired by people around the world.  We are just beginning to fight. Many of us don’t even yet recognize we are in a fight for our lives. So yes, we don’t have a “fighting strategy/machine” or “money” we can fall back on. But we have numbers.

The numbers are growing with each passing day and that has to terrify the globalists.  God is helping more and more people to see the evil that truly does exist.  Let us pray that this leads to accountability.