The Great Pretending

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We all live in an era of great pretending.  It is the only honest evaluation of today’s state of affairs that explains how so many people do not see the evil that surrounds us.

Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY) went on CNN to spin the tale of the innocence of Joe Biden in the Hunter Biden show.  To get away with this tale, Goldman has to believe that most people will pretend not to see the obvious corruption that took place.

Goldman spins the investigation to its situational opposite.  However, in the course of doing this, Goldman does reveal that David Weiss was motivated by politics when he constructed the plea agreement for Hunter Biden.

According to Goldman, the plea deal was built around broad immunity for any criminal conduct so that a future DOJ -one not in alignment with the Biden crime syndicate- could not hold the Biden crime family accountable.

What Goldman proves here is the extent of the mindset on the left. Nothing they do is ever wrong, they are infallible. You can tell that there is not a ounce of recognition in Goldman’s mind that there could possibly be any question to the position he takes.

All of this is evidence that we live at a time of “Great Pretending.”  Long after we are gone there will be people, perhaps not yet born, who will look upon this era and define it as this mysterious time when billions of people found it easier to pretend than face the reality of the evil that existed.  Just as people have asked about how the Nazi Third Reich got away with what they did, the same questions will be asked.  How could these people not see the evil that existed?

It has been said that “ignorance is bliss,” but this is not that. This state of pretending is something far more insidious and far more dangerous.  It allows evil to work unimpeded by people who might point out the obvious immorality of what is being done.

Here’s an example of intentional pretending via CBS.  Catherine Herridge knows the truth of the thing, yet she cannot share the truth of the thing; so, she pretends not to know the truth of the thing while softly bumping up against the acceptable pretending of the thing.  Just watch the first 2 minutes and you will see it.

Let’s take a walk through recent history.  According to Merrick Garland and David Weiss, Weiss could go anywhere to prosecute the Hunter Biden issues.  Now, he needs Special Counsel status to do so.  It’s all part of the operation to pretend that Hunter Biden will be held accountable.

This pretending extends to anything that the Left touches that is in opposition to their plans to control everyone.

Sundance notes:

The DOJ is trying to protect the Biden family while simultaneously prosecuting their political opposition, Donald Trump.  Toward that end, the special prosecutor against Trump asked for, and received, a secret court order for data from the Twitter account of Trump; their justification, Trump was a flight risk.  Now think about that.

A secret, under seal, court order authorized under the justification of President Trump being a flight risk.  The most famous man in the world, a man known by everyone on the entire planet earth, a walking human GPS system who literally has armed guards of the U.S. government following him around every day and documenting his every move, is considered a “flight risk”?

What level of pretending is needed to make that judicial justification seem rational?

Pretending that our rights and liberties are not being compromised is the easiest path for many people.  Pretending that we are not being turned into a communist state allows people to continue to ignore that uncomfortable reality.  Going forward with such fantasies allows such people to avoid having to face uncomfortable truths.  It is easier to stick one’s head in the sand than to admit that, for example, the “Rule of Law” applies to our national leadership.

There is something called “normalcy bias.”  Essentially this means that as long as one’s small universe remains largely unaffected by such evil, everything is okay.  It also means that if such unconstitutional and unAmerican  activities continue long enough, they will become accepted as the status quo.  A willful blindness will descend to create ignorance of what is really happening.  People will forget what it meant to have such freedoms.

How do we change this?  How do we get people to admit “I see what’s happening, but it’s scary and complicated and confusing?”  How do we get people to shed the comfortable images they have about the honest and forthright leadership of our government?

Let’s remember.  The systems that are destroying our country depend upon our continued pretending that everything is okay.

If we stop pretending, we unite as a country, because we all start to accept the same baselines.  The fraud, that has been purposefully deployed as a tool for fundamental change, can only exist if people pretend that fraud and corruption does not exist.

As Sundance notes:

If you want to be a person of great influence in this current era, stop pretending.  Start living, speaking, challenging and being direct and brutally honest when you encounter the need for pretending.  Stop participating in the pretense, and you will see the natural outcome of a loving God elevate you.

We have the tools, resources and opportunity to speak with great resonance and clarity.

Speak truth!

Speak it loudly!

Speak it with resonance, clarity and great deliberateness.

This is what they fear.

Truth is a weapon against pretending.

Use it!

Watch what happens!

1 thought on “The Great Pretending

  1. Former Democrat

    Narcissist, blinded by emotions and hatred, ignorant, lacking common sense and being brain washed by the media. The news isn’t news anymore. I was a journalist for many years, even an editor. Journalism is gone. It’s been replaced by opinions. These opinions become facts to the people I described above. Add in social media. They follow what they like and it becomes their “reality” no matter how far fetched it maybe or doesn’t pass the common sense test.

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