Never Forget

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Twenty-two years ago, America suffered the worst terrorist attack on our soil in our history. Thousands of Americans, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers and children were murdered by Islamic terrorists when they flew passenger jets into buildings.

People like Barack Obama would probably criticize my saying Islamic terrorists.  But that is who they were.  And the truth has no agenda.

We will never forget what happened that day.  I still remember where I was when I heard the news.  And I will never forget.

That was a dark time.  But it became a light shining across the world that bore witness to our strength and courage as people.  As PDJT said before he became President:

“Firefighters, police officers and port authority workers rushed into danger, into smoke, into fire to save the lives of people they had never met –performing their sacred duties until their last moments on Earth. Heroes like Father Mychal Judge tended to the dead and dying until he too joined them in Heaven. These were the finest and bravest and toughest people that could ever grace a city.”

Then there was the boatlift.

After the attack, no one knew what would happen next.  A half a million people were trapped in lower Manhattan.  Manhattan was cut off from the rest of the country.  The subways had been shut down.   All the bridges and tunnels had been shut down.  This is when many people found out that Manhattan is truly an island.

What happened next was American exceptionalism at its finest.  Yes, I know.  The Democrats led by Barack Obama do not believe in American exceptionalism.  But it exists.   It was on display that day.

When the call went out over the airwaves in New York harbor, the response was overwhelming.  The images of New York harbor with all of those boats streaming to and fro from lower Manhattan is a shining example of America at its best.

The boat lift evacuated half a million people from lower Manhattan.  It is the largest water-borne evacuation in history.  And it was done in 9 hours!  The Dunkirk evacuation (338,000) in WWII took 9 days!

These were ordinary people who just did what had to be done.  None of these people wore a shirt that said hero.  But they were heroes, every single one of them.

Today we pray for those who lost the ones they loved.   We also pray for the courage all of us will need to conquer all the challenges that are on the horizon.  9-11 showed the world that American exceptionalism still exists.