Debate Odds & Ends

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On Wednesday evening the second of the first loser debates was held on Fox.  PDJT was not in attendance.  PDJT spoke to auto workers who were on strike.  How is Fox making out financially?

[…] Advertisers paid a premium for airtime during the first Republican presidential debate on Fox News, but it looks like they’ll be getting a major discount during round two on Wednesday night.

Semafor reviewed the rates the network shared with one prospective ad buyer for both the first and second GOP primary debates. For the first debate, the cost of a single 30-second spot topped $495,000.

But the same 30-second spot during Wednesday night’s contest would cost just over $200,000.

Another ad buyer did not share the rates for ads running during the first debate, but confirmed that Fox was charging $225,000 for 30-second ads during the broadcast immediately after the event, and $125,000 for 30-second spots during the broadcast before it. (link)

Looks like Fox’s bottom line is hemorrhaging revenue.

I think the following brutally honest tweet deserves some attention to just who those people are that were on that stage on Wednesday night.

“Who should be voted off the island?”  Is this what the Republican debates have degenerated into?  Is this how little respect that Fox has for the process?

Again, the debate winner is Donald Trump.  And he won by not showing up.