The Great Reset

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One of the complaints I sometimes hear is that the public has no power.  An individual cannot have any impact on the course of events.  Those with all the money and political power will do what they want to without being held accountable for the messes they create.  I believe that idea is false.

Let’s remember that the New World Order was to spread across the world.  It was to be the way the common folk were governed.  Globalism was the catch phrase of the day back then.  Intricate supply chains would produce “guns and butter” wherever and whenever they were needed.  How’s that working out?

Tom Luongo notes:

When the World Economic Forum rolled out their advertising campaign for The Great Reset it was supposed to be the victory lap for Globalism. Coupled with the COVID-19 pandemic, the subsequent global financial crisis unleashed a flood of government funny money that was supposed to buy our way to their perpetual prosperity.

It failed.

Don’t take my word for it. Take the word of one of the chief architects of the Great Reset, Klaus von Commie Schnitzel’s right hand man, Yuval Noah Harari.

The idea that populist leaders have no idea how the world should work is false.  It is just that those ideas are dismissed out of hand by the globalists.

Populism and the belief in community are surging to the forefront.  Elections in multiple European countries have gone to those who have embraced this rising nationalism and pride.  Donald Trump was not the Lone Ranger.  He was just very near the beginning of this movement.  And his ability to connect to people worldwide fueled the growth of these beliefs.  These beliefs are rooted in the idea of individual freedom and liberty.

There are those who see the only solution as being violence against those who have practiced violence against us.  There is certainly chaos and violence on the horizon.  Much of this could be avoided if the globalists would admit defeat in their attempts at a Great Reset.  However, globalists live within a fantasy bubble that admits to no mistakes in how to live.

Luongo notes:

For decades we met their violence with a kind of silent resignation as the cost of upsetting this system far outweighed the benefit of being the first 2nd lieutenant out of the foxhole in No Man’s Land. But the costs for so many today for going along to get along far outweigh the benefits accruing to them.

And that’s why the protests all across the West are intensifying.

COVID may turn out to be the vehicle that saves western civilization.  PDJT was a problem for the globalists. The moneyed class (“Trillions are at stake”) needed to get someone else at the top of the government in America.  COVID and people like Dr. Fauci became the vehicle.  The country was locked down.  This was an absurd approach to the problem of a virus spreading especially since people were allowed out to grocery shop and tend to “critical jobs.”

This insane protocol transferred billions of dollars from the public to the moneyed class.  As two weeks morphed into two months and then much more, the reality began to dawn on different individuals.  This was a scam.  We began to see people standing up against this.

Many were slapped down and slapped down hard.  Some lost their livelihoods by telling the truth.  However, it did not stop the uprising.

Luongo notes:

Once the first wave of COVID ran its course and we saw how far they moved heaven and earth to silence actual cures for the virus, the Great Reset began morphing into the Great Awakening. And the evidence of people standing firm against any further degradation of our society for this nonsense grows daily.

The fact that the movement continues to grow does not mean that the evilness that lurks within the Great Reset has given up.  Plans are being accelerated to gain control over America.  The flooding of the country with illegals is part of that plan.  They know that they probably have a limited amount of time left to lock the country into control of the UniParty.

The recent legislation put forth in the Senate for “border reform” is a clear attempt aimed at PDJT.  Upon winning the election in November such legislation would make it much more difficult to return America to Americans.

On the social media front, they are trying desperately to neuter Elon Musk and Twitter as well.  Twitter used to be their baby for advancing specific political viewpoints and suppressing others.

Desperate people make mistakes.  The situation in Texas with the border is one such example.  If, when Gov. Abbott railed against the invasion, the crossing point was quietly changed to some other state, the reality of what was happening there would not have become obvious to so many people.

Where do we go from here?  Right now we have high profile people like Tucker Carlson, Jerome Peterson, Elon Musk and Donald Trump lighting the way.  We need to help them bring sunlight to more of the darkness that dwells in those who advocate for the Great Reset.

Luongo notes:

What we need is for them lead where they can when they can. They just need to give us the tools needed to cross the chasm and find common ground. Let us then build a public square that looks nothing like the one that we’ve been allowed to protest in up until now.


You can read a more extensive analysis by Tom Luongo by clicking below.

The Great Reset is Dead, Long Live the Great Reset