Odds & Ends

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This is perhaps one of the worst tweets in campaign history by Nikki Haley, who has been credibly accused of infidelity and whose husband is currently stationed out of the country.

I wonder what the billionaire backers of Haley are thinking now.

South Carolina is an open primary state.  The vote in person day is Saturday, February 24th.  Early voting is underway.

Haley is undoubtedly relying on Trump-hating Democratic women to help carry her campaign in the primaries.  Of course, none of these Democrats will vote for Haley if somehow she managed to secure the nomination.

When will the bubble burst for Haley?

Consumer spending fell sharply in January, presenting a potential early danger sign for the economy, the Commerce Department reported Thursday.

Advance retail sales declined 0.8% for the month following a downwardly revised 0.4% gain in December, according to the Census Bureau. A decrease had been expected: Economists surveyed by Dow Jones were looking for a drop of 0.3%, in part to make up for seasonal distortions that probably boosted December’s number.

All of this doubletalk are smokescreens to hide the terrible state of the economy.  Major companies continue to layoff significant numbers of employees.  10% to 15% layoffs of a workforce are becoming routine.

John Whitehead reports:

The debate over U.S. foreign aid is a distraction. The problem is not so much that taxpayers are unaware of how their hard-earned dollars are being spent. Rather, “we the people” continue to be told that we have no say in the matter.

We have no real say in how the government runs, or how our taxpayer funds are used.  That doesn’t prevent the government from fleecing us at every turn and forcing us to pay for endless wars that do more to fund the military industrial complex than protect us.  Then there are the pork barrel projects that produce little to nothing, and a police state that serves only to imprison us within its walls.

On almost every front, whether it’s the war on drugs, or the sale of weapons, or regulating immigration, or establishing prisons, or advancing technology, or fighting a pandemic, if there is a profit to be made and power to be amassed, our freedoms are being eroded while the Global Deep State becomes more entrenched.

We’ve been losing our freedoms so incrementally for so long—sold to us in the name of national security and global peace, maintained by way of martial law disguised as law and order, and enforced by a standing army of militarized police and a political elite determined to maintain their powers at all costs—that it’s hard to pinpoint exactly when it all started going downhill, but we’re certainly on that downward slope now, and things are moving fast.

Trump is the only option where some semblance of America can re-emerge.