Odds & Ends

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I did not realize that dementia was contagious.  However, dementia appears to be spreading among the Democrats.  California’s governor Gavin Newsom went on NBC’s Meet The Press show on Sunday.  Among the topics discussed was Biden’s ability to run for a second term.  Newsome described Biden’s three years in office as a “masterclass.”

Newsom chose to ignore Biden’s real record which includes inflation that is the highest it has been since th Carter administration, open borders that have seen millions of illegal aliens enter the country, out of control crime in Democrat-run cities and the growing potential for terrorist attacks on US soil.

If Newsom has not entered into the land of senility, then someone has performed a masterclass in subterfuge on him.

After Trump took office, the Democrats (and some RINOs) played up the idea that the world was laughing at the US because Trump was President.  Today the world is laughing at America because Biden is the supposed President.

On Thursday night, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu presented Israel’s security cabinet with a much-anticipated document outlining plans for the Gaza Strip after the war ends. And he has said the war will only end after the terror group is completely eradicated from Gaza.

From the river to the sea will be Israel.  A two-state solution will mean the end of Israel as a country.

Politico reported, “Pentagon slashes weapons programs to stay under debt deal.”  Only in Washington is a smaller increase in spending considered a cut to the budget.  Politico notes that some weapons programs are being scaled back.

How about scaling back on the number of generals and other high level officers!  Senator Tuberville’s (R-AL) blockage of promotions for months does not seem to have affected our military’s abilities.

Pedestrian-vehicle accidents fell to zero in parts of the country on Thursday.  The reason?  It could not be the massive cellphone outage that AT&T experienced, could it?