A Heartbeat From The Presidency

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Kamala Harris continues to roam the nation’s video byways without a guardian to monitor her activities.  Harris is particularly adept at making nonsensical claims that have no basis in reality.  Such claims raise the specter of who is less capable of leading the country, her, or the senile Joe Biden.

At the end of March Madness Harris veered off into comments about the women’s tournament.  Bizarrely Harris claimed that the recent rise in popularity of the women’s tournament was due to the fact that before 2022, there were no brackets!  Harris claimed that the women were not allowed to have brackets before that.

Harris: Do you know? Okay, a history lesson. Do you know that women were not… The women’s teams were not allowed to have brackets until 2022? Think about that. And what? Talk about progress.

You know better late than never, but progress and what that has done. Because, of course, when, you know, I had a bracket, and it’s not broken completely, but I won’t talk about my bracket. But you know, just how we love we love March Madness. And even just now, allowing the women to have brackets and what that does to encourage people to talk more about the women’s teams, to watch them now they’re being covered, you know, and this is the reality people used to say are women’s sports. Who’s interested? Well, if you can’t see it, you won’t be. But when you see it, you realize, oh.

The internet was not kind.

Brackets have been part of every tournament, men and women.  The first women’s tournament was in 1982.

Of course, there are those who claim Harris slept her way through the California “brackets.”  I think it is a tossup on who is dumber, Harris or AOC.  No brackets vs RICO is not a crime.