Highlights & Lowlights

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Just how far gone is President Biden?  His recent “challenge” to PDJT about debating took at least five separate takes to get a usable video.

Biden couldn’t hold it together for 13 seconds!?  Will there be a drug test prior to the debates?  It has been reported that the Capitol police have recovered more cocaine.

The secret document that could have ended the Ukraine war has surfaced.  A few weeks after the Russian invasion of Ukraine there could have been a peaceful solution. This emerges from a draft contract that both warring parties negotiated by April 15, 2022.

Kiev and Moscow largely agreed on conditions to end the war. Only a few points remained open. These were supposed to be negotiated personally by Vladimir Putin and Volodymyr Zelensky at a summit meeting – but that never took place.  Why?  Because Boris Johnson of the UK acting on behalf of his western partners “convinced” Zelenskyy to keep fighting and not to negotiate.

How many lives have been lost because of western hubris?  How much money has been laundered through the most corrupt country in Europe?

Christine Lagarde, head of the European Central Bank (ECB), Is warning the western world.  LaGarde, along with her elite friends in high places, is itching to impose CBDC’s (Central Bank Digital Currencies) on the world.  CBDC’s would allow western governments to transition into full totalitarian mode

How might they accomplish this?  Climate change, of course.  Big Media will continue to try to frighten people that the end is near.  This is done so that when the western financial system implodes due to the massive debt from government spending, they can claim it was climate change that caused it not massive deficit spending.

The plan will focus on three things:

  1. The green transition. Translation – your further impoverishment;
  2. The growing physical impact of climate change. Translation – our excuse for your further impoverishment;
  3. The risks from nature loss and degradation. Translation – the threat to make you want to be further impoverished.

All of this is to distract the public from the absolute ineptitude of LaGarde and her allies in handling economic matters.

Batten down the hatches.  It is going to be a rough ride.