First, They Came For…

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The witch hunt is on…again.  First, they came for Justice Clarence Thomas.  Now it appears they are coming for Justice Samuel Alito.  The Democrats are trying to delegitimize the workings of the Supreme Court with these sham “scandals” that they are trying to tie around these justices’ necks.

For those who may have forgotten, pressure was brought to bear on Justice Thomas because his wife was outspoken in her support of PDJT.  The Democrats tried to pressure Thomas into recusing himself from any cases involving then 2020 election and January 6th “insurrection” because of things his wife said and wrote.  I guess freedom of speech for a Supreme Court justice’s SPOUSE goes away once the justice is confirmed.  At least, that is the position of the Democrats.

Senate Democrats are waging a public battle with Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito and are questioning his impartiality after it was revealed that an upside-down American flag flew outside his home in the days surrounding Jan. 6, 2021, and President Biden’s inauguration.

The story originated with the NYTimes, specifically one Jodi Kantor.  The Times is the same news source that lost all claims to credibility when they covered up the shooting down of flight TWA800 off the south shore of Long Island on July 17, 1996.  This was done during another presidential election season.

Make no mistake.  In this case, this is an operation of our intelligence community (IC) to control what goes on at the Supreme Court.  The unaccountable fourth branch of our government wants to control the results coming from the Supreme Court.  This is especially true now since there are cases involving PDJT that are currently being reviewed by Scotus.  The IC is fearful of the result of an election that makes PDJT President again.

Here’s the facts.  A neighbor had put up anti-Trump signs with explicit profanity near a school bus stop.  Alito’s wife approached the neighbor about this.  The neighbor responded by posting derogatory comments about Alito’s wife.  This resulted in Alito’s wife flying a US flag upside down for a few days at their home.

The media has had a field day since the NYTimes published the story.

MSNBC… Why Justice Samuel Alito’s upside-down flag controversy matters

The Atlantic… Why Was Alito Flying the Flag Upside Down After January 6?

Forbes… Supreme Court Ethics Controversies: Alito’s Upside-Down Flag Flying Draws Concern

The Hill…Alito upside-down flag ‘casts doubt’ on his impartiality: Schumer

Newsweek…Justice Alito’s Upside-down Flag Was An ‘Inexcusable Outrage’

None of these stories delved into the facts of what actually happened.  This is just another attempt by those who control our government (think IC) to neutralize anyone who would speak out against the status quo.

Different media outlets dredged up “legal experts” to opine just how scandalous this is.  It isn’t.  Others on the left were “appalled.”  The only appalling actions come from those who think that everyone should bow down to leftist ideology.

The news stories are designed to weaken the credibility of the Court when decisions are rendered.  It has been like this since the make-up of the Court shifted from deciding cases based on some nebulous “living document” to deciding cases based on the Constitution.

The leftists behind this outrage are just looking to see if they can succeed at burning someone at the stake.

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