Odds & Ends

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81 million vote Biden went to Nashua, New Hampshire, for a campaign stop and to highlight his “successes.”  Just look at the enthusiasm for Biden.

There is less than a hundred people in the room and that includes staffers and media types.  One could walk in and get a seat just before Biden arrived.  Try that at a Trump rally.  And Nashua is as blue a city as you will find anywhere in the country.

More people turned out to protest Biden than were at the event.

South Carolina has enacted a common-sense law to prevent the “transitioning” of minors.  House Bill 4624, dubbed the “Help not Harm” bill by legislators, prohibits anyone under the age of 18 from receiving sex change surgery or any form of puberty blockers or hormones.  South Carolina is now the 25th state to ban the controversial procedures for minors.

Controversial?  Very simply, such surgery is the mutilation of children.  Many studies show that such individuals often regret such surgery and are often prime candidates for suicidal thoughts.

The presence of Joe Biden or any Democrat on the Ohio presidential ballot is still up in the air.  Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose has issued another warning to the Democratic National Committee: comply with Ohio’s nomination laws, or face the exclusion of the Democratic presidential nominee from the state’s ballot this November.

The problem is that under Ohio law, candidates must be nominated at least 90 days before the election.  The specific cutoff date for this year is August 7th.  However, the Democratic National Convention is slated for August 19-22.

The problem for the Democrats is that Biden’s obvious cognitive difficulties are making it clear that he is a liability.  Are the Democrats hoping that the June debate, the earliest presidential debate in recent times, will force Biden to withdraw?  If so, a free-for-all will commence to be the party’s nominee.  This is something that the party elites are dreading.

If Biden survives the June debate, then the party bosses could probably have him removed due to some health emergency after the convention is over.  This leaves the choice of who would be the nominee in the bosses’ hands.  However, this still does not cure the problem of getting their nominee on the ballot in Ohio in the first place.

The optics here for the DNC are not good.

AOC said the quiet part out loud.  AOC stated that the lawfare against PDJT is not about justice but rather a ploy to hamstring his ability to campaign.

AOC, who graduated from Boston University with a degree in economics, regularly displays her lack of intelligence in these interviews.  AOC is single-handedly erasing dumb blonde jokes.