Saying The Quiet Part Out Loud

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The following remarks by a former Republican governor of the State of Mississippi state what many of us have known for some time.  The FBI has been weaponized into a Gestapo organization that pursues the political agenda of the Marxists who control the levers of power in Washington.

“I’m the campaign finance director for Donald Trump in Mississippi, so we raise money. I’ve talked to a number of very wealthy individuals that God has blessed that say I can’t give money to Donald Trump because the FBI will show up at my door.”

Ten years ago, someone who would make a statement like this would be labelled a nut job.  Today it is a reality that more and more Americans are coming to recognize.  When this happens, trust in government vanishes like a morning dew on a hot summer day.  When was the last time that government spoke truthfully to American citizens?

Let’s go back in history a few decades.  JFK was killed by a lone gunman, Lee Harvey Oswald who shot from the Texas Book Depository.  This was attested to by the Warren Commission, et al.

This was all BS.  There were multiple shooters including at least two who were in front of the Kennedy motorcade.  The throat shot went through the front windshield.  The head shot also came from the front.  There was a huge coverup by the US government in order to sell the lone gunman theory.

The Vietnam war was another sham.  The Gulf of Tonkin incident was laughable.  But because the press played propagandist for the political class, tens of thousands of our young men got blown to pieces half a world away.  Why?

How about Waco or Ruby Ridge?  How many children burned to death because of the baseless accusations of the FBI?

The IRS debacle under Lois Lerner which she attributed to rogue employees in an IRS field office is another example of BS.  Everything a conservative group did got the third degree. Sketchy leftist groups sailed right through.

There are many more examples that I am sure one can think of.  All of this leads to the current situation with Trump.  There is no truth to any of the “crimes” they have invented.

It is time to end the FBI.  It is time to do extensive housecleaning at the DOJ.  It is time to hold accountable those who have abused the authority they were given.