Biden News

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The news keeps getting worse.  Joe Biden is a man who continues on his descent into dementia despite the amounts of medicine that they are pumping into him every time Biden goes out in public.

The latest episode occurred on Saturday evening where former President Barack Obama helped raise $28 million from Hollywood celebrities.  Biden appeared to freeze and Obama needed to grab Biden’s arm and lead him off stage with his hand on his back.  This came at the end of a 40-minute session in the public eye.

Was this episode the result of his dementia or was it evidence of a possible small stroke?  Let’s remember that Biden has had such episodes in the past.

Another freezing episode occurred earlier in the week at an early Juneteenth event at the White House.

Once again someone had to put their arm on Biden’s back to get him to return to earth.  The media is trying to sell this kind of behavior as normal.

Then there was the incident at the G7 meeting where Biden squatted down partially for a number of seconds before straightening back up.  Just what he was doing then has been the subject of much conjecture.

On Friday, Biden bumped heads with Pope Francis while meeting the Pope at the G7 meetings.

CNN has released the rules for the June 27th debate with PDJT.  The debate is expected to last 90 minutes.

There are several questions that spring to mind.  The first one is will Biden submit to a drug test?  That’s wishful thinking of course.  It will never be allowed.  The next is how much drugs will be necessary to get Biden on stage in public for 90 minutes?  His abilities to remain focused and cognitive while out in public appear to be severely limited.

How will the DNC get messages to Biden to stay on topic?  If Biden freezes on stage, how will they unfreeze him?  Perhaps the final question is one about Biden’s continuing as the DNC candidate for the presidency.  Will this debate be the springboard for replacing Biden on the DNC ticket?