New World Order

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One hears a lot about the polarization of this country into two radically different groups of people.  One such group believes in the absolutism of an all-powerful government who provides for all of one’s needs from cradle to grave.  The other group believes in individualism, self-determination and an inherent belief in right and wrong, in good and evil.

This second group, which is comprised of the type of people who built this great country, have become the arch-enemy of the elite thought-shapers and media influencers of this century.  This group thinks outside the box, outside the Overton window.  This group is a threat to the power structure in Washington.  And those in power know it.

The West is in crisis.  This is seen all over the West.  The recent rise of “far-right” representation in the EU shows this.  Macron in France is scared to death of this and has called for snap elections so that he might thwart this emergence in his country.  Macron is calling for his party’s retention in power by fear-mongering.  According to Macron, civil war will erupt if he loses power.

Mark Wauck notes:

“The crisis of the West is the rejection of the West. What do I mean? The West in historical fact is Christendom. Christendom has been rejected—de facto at the Reformation but quite explicitly, de jure if you will, by the EU. What we call the West is a corpse, or close to it, that lives off the almost completely expended intellectual and spiritual capital of Christendom. Whatever legitimacy our institutions retain derives from that historic past. For the rest, culturally, the West has embraced Nihilism…”

Nihilism is a group of views within philosophy that rejects fundamental aspects of human existence.  In particular, this refers to knowledge, morality and the meaning of life.  It embraces the idea that human values are baseless.  There is no value in good versus evil actions.  Nihilism is opposed to the affirmation of life.

There is little doubt that many of our erstwhile leaders have embraced this viewpoint.  Their main view of life is to get whatever they can get while they can get it.  10% for the Big Guy is the embodiment of this.

The current crisis in our relations with countries outside the West is because the rest of the world has awakened to the evilness that exists within our power structures.  The world sees our hypocrisy and double standards.  The world sees the weaponization of our instruments of justice against those who disagree with our political elites.  And, yes, this weaponization against people includes former President Donald Trump.

One world leader had this to say:

Can there be any doubt that this is happening not only in Europe but also here in America?  Obama tried to suggest that religious freedom existed only inside your local place of worship.  One could not bring religious freedom out into the public square.

This is one of the first things that Communists do.  That is, they want to eliminate competing ideas of what constitutes valid and invalid actions.  Only those in power should decide such things.  Religion is a direct threat to the New World Order (NWO).  So, religious worship is suppressed and/or forbidden.

COVID-19 gave the power elites an opportunity to close places of worship in this country.  This was a test to see just how far they could go to control this aspect of society here in America.

The whole idea of a Pride month (June) to celebrate and promote LGBT causes is another example of rejecting cultural values that are the basis of Western civilization.  Mothers and fathers get one day.  Why does LGBT get a whole month?

This leader goes on:

Is there any doubt that the rights of most people are being put into question in this country?  The OBiden administration recently announced that trannies would be allowed into women’s and girls’ sports.  They would also be allowed to enter the safe and private spaces of girls and women.  Supposedly this is to protect the gender rights of trannies.

The government is using the power of the vast sums of money flowing from the federal government to trample the rights of most women and girls.  Most right-thinking people see this as an abhorrence.  As was quoted above, it is natural to defend these rights.  A friend of mine told me that he had better never catch some creep in where his daughters and wife are.  Multiple state governments have filed lawsuits against this trampling of individual rights.  As has been pointed out multiple times, biological males have a place to compete in sports.  And that is against other biological males.  Trannies should stay out of the spaces that belong to girls and women.

A return to the values of various religions passed down to us over the millennia is paramount.  Without this, all values come from the government.  All morality is what the powerful say it is and that, inevitably, is corrupted by man.

Now, who is this world leader that speaks such truths as are seen above?  It was Vladimir Putin in a speech in 2013.  Is it any wonder that the powers that be are making him out to be evil incarnate?  Putin is a threat to the New World Order.

Perhaps one of the most amazing things about all of this is the radical pole-change in morality between Russia and America during the last few decades.  And based on the backlash currently going on, perhaps the pendulum in America is swinging back to morality and the recognition of the inherent nature of good and evil.  One can expect that the NWO will use all the tools at their disposal to thwart this threat to their power and to prevent a return to morality playing any role in the decisions over right and wrong.

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