Are The Walls Closing In?

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This was a term that the public heard over and over again during the Trump presidency.  Pundits on various left-wing media outlets like CNN and MSNBC trotted the term out with regularity in the hopes of convincing the public that Trump needed to be removed from the Presidency.  The various iterations of it forecast that PDJT and/or family members would do the perp walk out of the White House imminently.  Of course, that never happened during PDJT’s term in office.  The public had to wait for a weaponized DOJ to invent crimes after PDJT left office.

Can this saying be applied to the Biden presidency?  Let’s be reminded that Joe Biden was supposed to be a one-term, disposable President.  Any “mistakes” that were seen as such by the public would be left on his doorstep as others on the Left stepped up and ran for the Presidency in 2024. “Mistakes” is defined here as wet dreams of the Left that the American public would never voluntarily agree to.  These “mistakes” would be of the kind that would cement the Left’s dream of one-party rule in America.  The Green New Deal is one example of such silliness.

This was the plan of the people who are running the country from behind the curtain in Washington.  However, as Barack Obama once famously stated, one cannot overestimate Joe Biden’s ability to f*** things up.  In this case, it appears to be more of “Dr.” Jill (and probably Hunter) who does not want to give up the trappings of the Presidency.  Such trappings include that the DOJ would not seriously go after the Biden crime family despite overwhelming evidence produced by a House committee on this matter.

With all that is going on in Washington right now, can the term “The walls are closing in” be applied to the Biden Presidency at this point in time?  Is the Biden Presidency on life support?

The CNN Debate exposed Joe Biden as an elderly man with serious cognitive deficiencies.  Of course, the Hur Report had already done so earlier in the year.  However, that report did not gain a lot of traction with the public since the recordings of those interviews were suppressed by the power elite in DC.  The CNN Debate changed that dynamic.

I believe that the CNN Debate, scheduled as early as it was, was designed to get Joe Biden to quit.  The people who mattered, who had covered up Biden’s cognitive deficiencies, knew that exposing Biden this way would force a national outcry about his abilities to continue in office.

Doing this allowed the power brokers to exert pressure on the Biden family to get Joe Biden out of the race.  However, the Biden’s did not play along.  Now two formidable power centers, the intelligence community (IC) and Barack Obama, have gone to war against them.

What has Joe Biden’s reaction been?  Once again, he is hiding in a bunker. Just as he did in 2020 to avoid being exposed then with his cognitive difficulties. Oh, he did call in to MSNBC and yell about how he was not going to quit the race.   However, Jill Biden is out in public doing the campaigning.  What serious election campaign sends the wife of the candidate out to do the heavy lifting?

Senator Mark Warner, chair of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI), has been charged with getting instructions to the Biden’s.  This is because Joe Biden declined an “invitation” to meet with the SSCI.  One does not decline an invitation from the “seven ways to Sunday” group.  Warner tweeted the instructions.

Sundance summarizes:

From the position of the intelligence community (IC) Joe Biden is less important than their priority of ensuring President Trump does not win reelection.

It is an existential and/or zero-sum battle from the standpoint of the IC.  If Trump wins, they could be destroyed; ergo, Biden or someone, anyone, must defeat Trump.  The IC doesn’t care who removes the threat Trump represents – that’s the “strongest path forward” part; however, Trump must be defeated.

Warner says Biden must take a meeting with the IC “broader group of voices,” and listen to them tell Biden -in person- what the real priority is.  Joe Biden is less important than removing the threat Trump represents to them.

This meeting would essentially represent the “offer you cannot refuse”, “or else” meeting, that Biden is trying to avoid.  The IC is not going to be ignored, so sayeth Mark Warner.

What would the offer be?  What is the “or else” part?  With Biden’s cognitive difficulties, a high paying job in some media outlet is out of the question.  The same would be true of moving onto the speaking circuit as Bill Clinton did.  Would some phantom book deal meet the criteria for the Biden’s to accept that it is time to move on?

From the 30,000 foot level, it would appear that the Biden’s have entered into the negotiation phase for his stepping down.  This is despite the appearances that Joe Biden is absolutely committed to staying in the race.

This letter from Biden was the warning to the Democrat elites that the Bidens are not budging.  Biden learned well from his master, Obama, that you just don’t respond to any of it.  You pretend it isn’t happening. However, as a friend stated recently, in any negotiation, one starts from a position that one can step away from.  One uses this position to extract the outcome that one wants.

Each side has staked out their position.  The IC is clearly sending a strong message through the recent Biden doctor financial interest story.  Then there is the Hur taped deposition that could be leaked if the Biden’s will not cooperate.

The media has taken notice.  There were no defenders of Biden on the Sunday morning talk shows this past week.

Biden has been in Washington for an extraordinarily long time.  As such, he has accumulated a lot of influence and affluence.  Will this be enough to stop the elites?  Given his current cognitive state, I doubt that.  I think the only real question now is what the price will be for Biden to step down.