The Last Days of Biden

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Are we witnessing the last days of Joe Biden?  Not just the last days of his Presidency however illicit that might be.  But the last days of Joe Biden having any ability to communicate with the world around him.

Biden’s word-finding and cognitive processing appear to have degenerated to the point where he is frequently unsure of what he’s trying to say or is saying.  And these flubs are occurring over and over even when he is reading from a teleprompter.

Multiple neurologists have chimed in about their concerns.  One, Dr. Dhruv Khallar, wrote about this in the New Yorker.  Keep in mind that the New Yorker is a PR machine for elite leftists.

Most of the doctors I spoke with said that comprehensive neuropsychological and motor testing, along with imaging, would be needed to secure or dismiss a particular diagnosis. This would involve a suite of tests—administered in the course of hours, possibly days—that examine a person’s attention, memory, mood, and semantic fluency.

Alex Berenson notes:

Consider those four categories:

Attention: as many videos – most recently those from his trips to Europe last month – reveal, Biden frequently wanders off on his own if he is not closely managed.

Memory: federal prosecutor Robert K. Hur’s report on Biden’s possession of classified documents said it all, calling Biden an “elderly man with a poor memory.”

Mood: on Saturday, Biden yelled at Jason Crow, a Democratic House member (and Army veteran) who had challenged him, jabbing at Crow about his “Bronze Star” and adding, “On national security, nobody has been a better president than I’ve been. Name me one. Name me one! So I don’t want to hear that crap!””

Semantic fluency: “We finally beat Medicare.”

As Dr. Khallar notes, “You don’t have to be neurologist to see it.”

Then there is the effect of stress. Stress can accelerate the onset and progress of senility.

 I believe that for most of his illicit presidency, Joe Biden has been shielded from stress.  Other people have made the hard decisions and these have been presented to Biden as a fiat accompli.  All Biden needed to do was rubber stamp the decision.

All that has changed.  After his disastrous debate performance, Biden has been under a lot of stress, political and personal. (Hunter has been convicted of three federal felonies, and faces another trial this fall.). The crescendo coming from various segments of the Democratic Party for him to step away has become deafening.  No amount of ice cream can adequately alleviate this stress.

Despite this, Biden insists he will continue.  And, of course, Biden controls almost a quarter of a billion dollars in campaign funds.  Of course, this soldiering on is really Jill and Hunter who are saying this.

What will it take for Biden to quit the race?  Or maybe the better question is for Jill Biden to decide to quit the race?

It may be time to buy some popcorn and watch how this movie plays out.