Fake Narrative

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Once again America is being treated to the narrative that a lone wolf gunman attempted to gun down an anti-establishment President.  How many times do the powers behind the curtain think they can get away with this?

First it was JFK.  Then it was Ronald Reagan.  Now, it is Donald Trump.

In 1963 America heard a story that Lee Harvey Oswald, a communist sympathizer, murdered John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States.  Oswald, who was located in the Texas Schoolbook Depository at the time of the shooting, is said to have fired three shots.  One passed through JFK’s throat.  The other two took the top of his head off.

It was all lies.  Two of the shots that killed JFK came from the front as forensic analysis by David Mantik and Jerome Corsi in The Final Analysis conclusively show.  Another came from the rear.  The authors have correctly identified that JFK’s murder was a coup d’etat by unidentified members of what we would call the Deep State today.

Reagan, another anti-establishment candidate, vanquished the hapless Jimmy Carter who bore the wrath of the voters for trying to turn America into a socialist dystopia.  Reagan won 44 states in one of the most lopsided victories in American history.

This came despite a savage media campaign that the nation would not see again until PDJT arrived on the scene in 2015.  That media campaign bore fruit when, just two months after taking office, John Hinckley shot Reagan after a speaking engagement.  As with JFK, the intelligence failures were egregious enough to begin questions again about the so-called Deep State greenlighting Reagan’s assassination attempt.

Fortunately Reagan survived although his Presidency never quite achieved the changes that were initially in sight.

In 2020 the country was promised a return to normalcy if Biden was elected.  What we got roaring inflation; bank failures exceeding what happened in 2008; a national debt barreling toward $36 trillion; mass legalization of street crime that’s depopulating our great cities, replaced by the wholesale importation of 10 million—perhaps 20 million—illegal immigrants. And, to top it off, an obsessive determination to gin up World War III, nukes and all.

In other words, we have experienced the same thing we experienced after the Great Society programs were established and Jimmy Carter became President.

Peter St Onge notes:

It’s almost eerie the degree we’re replaying the 1970s. We’re already living the long 1970s stagflation driven by federal spending on useless wars and welfare for illegal immigrants while middle-class Americans line up for food banks and our veterans are turned out on the street.

Our cities are once again collapsing. The media is once again driving division. Washington is once again flirting with World War III while our manufacturing jobs flee overseas.

In short, the radicals are back in charge, and they’re actually doubling down—from arresting the opposition to yet another perfectly timed lone wolf.

This time the powers that be are trying to divert attention to “intelligence” that Iran is trying to kill Trump.  This distracts from the very obvious failures to protect Trump that all saw last weekend.

George Orwell noted

“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.”

This is something we have seen again and again during the 2020 campaign and in the years since then.

Will they succeed or will the American people say “Enough is enough?”

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