Who Is Running The Democratic National Convention?

Democratic competency, or more accurately the lack of it, was on full display as the convention began in Chicago.  The Party’s platform will be voted on this week.  In at least five places the platform identified Joe Biden as the Party’s candidate for election.

Apparently, they did not feel the need to remove all references to Biden since, if elected, a Harris administration would be just another step in the fundamental transformation of America into a communist nation that was being accomplished during the Biden administration.

The Democratic Party is a communist party with a communist agenda. If Harris wins, she will take revenge on everyone that defied her, shamed her, or called her an idiot. This is a very vengeful woman that has gone after power her whole life. She has no skills except to fake people out.  The media has gotten into bed with her in an attempt to deceive Americans about who Harris is.

It has gotten so bad with the media that despite the fact that 68% of the people think the country is going in the wrong direction, the media has Harris winning.  This is just an attempt to deceive the public again so that the ballot harvesters and vote counters can do their magic and steal another election.  The Dems believe they can openly cheat as they did in 2020 and nobody will stop them or hold them accountable.

The Dems seek power for its own sake.  They are not interested in the good of others.  They will do anything to stay in power.  They will say anything to get people to ignore reality and vote for them.

The reality of the Convention is working against them.  The Dems had to erect a massive wall structure that was layered to keep protesters away from the United Center.  It didn’t work.  They required IDs for anyone trying to enter the facility yet oppose the use of IDs for voting.  There were tons of empty seats that could not be hidden behind drop curtains.  Yet, they claim Harris is winning.

What I say is grab some popcorn and watch the Dems try to not self-destruct this week.

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