Nazis vs Democrats

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Since the Democrats are no longer hiding who they are, can we accurately define then as Nazis?.  The comparisons with Nazis are striking.

Economic Fascism… Whether a business prospered or failed in the Third Reich depended on political pull, that is, how close industrialists were to the Nazi leadership. Corporations did the bidding of the Nazi party.  We certainly see this now and, in particular, Big Media is the most striking example of this.

The Democrats desire for gun control is the 1938 German Weapons Act.  The Nazis did confiscate guns so that no one except the government would have guns.

Practicing the big lie: The Nazis were infamous for their propaganda techniques which were actually pioneered by the Bolsheviks. Goebbels advised: If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.  This has been true for a long time with the Democrats.  The J6 insurrection is just one example of this.  Every Democratic campaign ad is a lie.  At this point in time, the Dems believe they can lie with impunity.  This models the Nazis.

The Nazis tried to divide people by race.  The Democrats do the same thing every day.  The Democrats try to pit one group against another.

The Nazis replaced local law enforcement with those who would carry out the regime’s orders.  The brown shirts, the Gestapo, etc. were all in this group of enforcers.  Obama added federal enforcers at every opportunity.  Gun carrying federal agents multiplied during the Obama administration. The seeding of DHS agents into local law enforcement is an under-the-radar attempt to extend federal government reach into local law enforcement.  And the 80,000+ IRS agents that are being added are not going after billionaires.

The J6 “insurrection” was the equivalent of the Reichstag fire that occurred exactly four weeks after Hitler was sworn in as chancellor.  It was used to paint the opposition as violent extremists that needed to be dealt with.  Sound familiar?  The 45,000 troops that the Dems imported into the DC after January 6th were the equivalent of the Sturmabteilung who were deployed after the Reichstag fire.  All of this was done to support the Big Lie.

Totalitarians of all kinds believe that their vision of the world entitles them to commit violence against those who disagree with them.  These tactics include pre-dawn SWAT raids to arrest people on sham charges.  This is what the Gestapo used to do.  95% of the J6 arrests were designed to frighten the people that if they spoke out, they would be next for a SWAT raid.  This is right out of the Nazi playbook.

Commandeering the media is another tactic that was used extensively by Goebbels.  The Dems have tipped off their friends in the media whenever they wanted a splashy arrest to be shown around the country.  Again this is to create fear among the public that they could be next.  The ultimate goal is to end free speech.  Only approved media outlets would broadcast information to the public.

Antifa are Democratic foot soldiers just like the brown shirts of the Nazi movement.  There is absolutely no way that the FBI was actually unable to identify those within Antifa that were committing crimes.  But since Antifa was advancing the Democratic agenda, they were allowed to skate on their crimes.  Antifa literally derived their patches from the Nazis.

Eugenics…The Nazis belief in eugenics is well known.  From the superiority of the Aryan race to their denigration of the Jews, the Nazis consistently supported the idea suppressing “lesser” people.  In this country Margaret sanger started Planned Parenthood to control the black population.  This is why so many PP sites were opened near minority neighborhoods.  This is German eugenics revisited.

So, the next time some Democrat refers to MAGA people as Nazi extremists, perhaps a walk down memory lane is in order for them.