Odds & Ends

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Bill Clinton has surfaced on the campaign trail.  A pro-Trump ad featuring the former President is skewering the administration over their imbecilic border policies.

“You had a case in Georgia not very long ago,” he states. “They made an ad about, about, uh, a young woman who had been killed by an immigrant. Yeah, well, if they’d all been properly vetted that probably wouldn’t have happened. But if they all are properly vetted, that doesn’t happen.”

Clinton has just endorsed Trump for President.  Who’s next?  Joe Biden?

Is the Israeli campaign against Hezbollah making some potential replacements concerned about their longevity in the position?

Milley shouldn’t worry.  Chairman Xi will hire the best lawyers money can buy.

The Harris campaign has announced that they have raised $1 billion dollars since her campaign started.  This once again shows that the Democrats are owned by big money since the vast majority of this amount comes from well-heeled donors.

I wonder what kind of tricks Harris is using to get these people to part with their money?

Does Hezbollah have a money problem?  Open Source Intel reports that some $1.5 Billion in cash was incinerated and 2,000 pounds of gold melted into the earth during the recent attack on Hezbollah’s headquarters.

If Harris is seven points ahead in Virginia, why is the DOJ filing a lawsuit against the State of Virginia for removing non-citizens from the voter rolls?

An employee of CBZ Management, a company that manages properties in Aurora, Colorado, was beaten bloody when he confronted gang members in an apartment complex.

“[The worker] had gone to inspect a recently vacated three-bedroom apartment (a rare occurrence for such a large unit) only to find a group of men already inside. When he refused their $500 bribe to overlook the situation, they brutally attacked him,” CBZ Management said.

Not only did they beat him up, they also threatened his family.

This is a direct result of the current administration subsidizing the Venezuelan gangs that have taken over properties in Aurora.  How you ask?

The Biden-Harris Regime, through the “American Rescue Plan,” allocated $3.8 billion to Colorado and in turn, Aurora funneled $5 million to two left-wing NGOs that secured housing for the Venezuelan gangs.

Of course, according to the mayor of Aurora, these gangs do not exist.

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