COVID Cautious Bowling

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For some weak-minded people, the recent “pandemic” has forever changed their behavior.  If the CDC says wear two masks, they will do it.  If the CDC says do not go out, they will not go out regardless of how ridiculous the underlying misinformation being spewed by the agency is.

We are four years removed from the initial outbreak of the weaponized virus known as COVID.  The CDC long ago ended the “Public Health Emergency.”  However, there are overly concerned Americans who cling to behavior that most of us recognize at this point as being paranoid.

In Portland, Oregon, a group of some 80 people, “COVID cautious,” rented out a bowling alley before regular hours so they could bowl without catching COVID.  Everyone was masked and they had “air purifiers up the ass.”

Using a purifier even in a small room does not reduce the amount of particles (unless you measure it within a foot from the device), due to constant particle generation from all materials and incoming air. It is impossible even hypothetically to see any reduction in particle amounts in a bowling alley.  It does not matter how many “purifiers” they put there.

The efforts of the media during the COVID crisis have poisoned the minds of these people.  This is risk minimization to nth degree.  These people cannot let go of their COVID fantasy.  To do so would destroy the fantasy bubble in which they reside.

How do these people go to the grocery store?  Do they ever visit family who do not agree with their approach to life?  It goes without saying that these people would never eat in a public restaurant.

This is cultish behavior on display.  I wonder if they are waiting for a Jim Jones to come and lead them.  These people are programmed to think a certain way.  Real facts will not change their basic perceptions about life.

Of course, wearing a mask is probably the only thing that makes them feel good about themselves.  It gives them a sense of superiority over others.  These people do not realize how ridiculous they appear.