A National Nightmare

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As we draw near to the end of a national nightmare, the Biden presidency can only be described as a travesty for the USA and indeed, the world. Biden’s career spanned over 50 years during which time he contributed nothing good of value to this nation.  Biden and his family were and are parasites and opportunists.  His legacy as an illegally appointed ‘president’ shall forever taint the United States of America.  Even the far-left The Atlantic is describing his presidency as a disaster.

It is difficult to even begin to know where to turn to view the grave injury inflicted upon this nation. National security, fiscal policy, domestic policy, foreign policy, military policy, energy, technology…there is no sector of our federal government left untouched by the evil populating the Joe (bama) Biden administration.

A question (asking for a friend):

If Biden is a criminal president (which he is), and he gives pardons to others that collude with Biden in illegal activity, can a real DOJ (appointed by Trump), investigate Biden and the powers behind the curtain for conducting illegal treasonous acts?

Are pre-emptive pardons even allowed?  Yes, I know that Nixon was so pardoned.  But it was never tested in court if such a power existed.  At the time of the Nixon pardon, most people just wanted that nightmare to be over.

Now it is being rumored that Biden will pre-emptively pardon many people who have engaged in illegal acts against people based on their political ideology.  If this is allowed, then any criminal administration could engage in a boatload of illegal acts knowing that at the end of that President’s term, the slate would be wiped clean.  It is hard to imagine that our founding fathers had this in mind when they allowed for presidential pardons.

Dr. Paul C. Roberts notes:

The Biden regime is the most corrupt regime in American history, and Biden knows it. 

That is why he talks of large numbers of “preemptive pardons.”  A preemptive pardon is an invention of the Biden regime. No such thing exists in US law.  Its purpose is to preempt indictment for a crime.  That Biden is considering preemptive pardons means that Biden knows his officials committed crimes, and he wants to protect them from being held accountable for their crimes.

Remember the vile and corrupt way the majority of the J6 convictions were obtained.  Of course, it was with politicized Democrat jurors, politicized Democrat prosecutors, and politicized Democrat judges in Democrat jurisdictions who understood that they were serving their party’s political propaganda and not justice.

But I am speaking of the methods. The privacy of American citizens was violated in order to ascertain who attended the rally. Once a victim was chosen, a rigged indictment was brought.  Prosecutors made it clear to the victim and attorney that contesting the charges in court with a trial would result in an add-on charge that carries a long prison sentence, whereas if they agreed to self-incrimination with a plea deal, prison time would be waived or greatly reduced. All the Democrats wanted was a bunch of “convictions” to support the propaganda of insurrection. Faced with the risks of a trial at the hands of Democrats and the cost of attorneys, most of the falsely accused self-incriminated.

In this instance, Making America Great Again means the restoration of justice in the legal system.  Without truth and justice, neither of which exists in today’s American courtrooms, America cannot be made great again.  This is one of the many lessons to be learned from this evil administration.

To help with the restoration of justice, it is my understanding that those pardoned must acknowledge their crimes.  We have already seen this with a few of the people on death row who have refused a pardon because they state they are innocent and want to prove this to the world.  Accepting a pardon destroys that narrative.

So, shouldn’t part of the process for pre-emptive pardons also include acknowledging the crimes being pre-emptively pardoned?  Shouldn’t the people who accept such pardons have to detail just what they are being pardoned for?