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Back in 2008 Barack Obama ran on a platform to “fundamentally transform” America.  Of course, most people did not realize that Obama wanted to transform America from a country of freedom and liberty into one that would be managed by government elites from the top down.  Marxism, socialism and communism were the trademarks of the Obama regime.  The idea of individual freedoms was at the bottom of Obama’s list.

Today, 17 years later, we are seeing the most dramatic shift in the perceptions of our government and the government of other countries in hundreds of years.

Jeffrey Tucker has written a most encompassing post about government and our perception of such.  As Tucker notes:

Government was the wise manager, curbing the excess of populist enthusiasm, blunting the impact of ferocious market dynamics, guaranteeing the safety of products, breaking up dangerous pockets of wealth accumulation, and protecting the rights of minority populations. That was the ethos and the perception.

Taxation itself was sold to the population for centuries as the price we pay for civilization, a slogan emblazoned in marble at the DC headquarters of the IRS…

The government was seen as good.  The very idea of a public sector had merit as the government was the wise steward of life within a country.  Then, as Tucker noted, something horrific happened in 2020.

Most governments at all levels across the globe turned on their people. It was a shock because governments had never before attempted anything this audacious. It claimed to be exercising mastery over the whole of the microbial kingdom, the world over. It would prove this implausible mission as a valid one with the release of a magic potion made and distributed with its industrial partners who were fully indemnified against liability claims. 

It is now well known and proven that “safe and effective” was anything but.  The mRNA elixir was dangerous and deadly.  Not only that, but therapeutics that worked like Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine were denied and as a result, hundreds of thousands of needless deaths occurred in America alone.  Scientists long held in high regard participated in this shameless scam.

The Constitution did not matter. Neither did the long tradition of rights, liberty, and law. The workforce was divided between essential and nonessential in order to survive the great emergency. The essential people were the ruling class plus the workers who serve them. Everyone else was deemed unessential to social functioning. 

It was supposed to be for our health – government merely looking after us – but this claim lost credibility quickly, as mental and physical health plummeted. Desperate loneliness replaced community. Loved ones were forcibly separated. The aged died alone with digital funerals. Weddings and worship were cancelled. Gyms were closed and then opened later only for the masked and the vaxxed. The arts died. Substance abuse skyrocketed because while everything else was closed, the liquor stores and pot shops were open for business. 

This led to a fundamental transformation in how people perceived their government.  Oh, of course, some sheep were still sheep and would support the chains that bound them to their dying breaths which many did alone.  Many others stopped being sheep.

A multi-billionaire who had benefitted from much government largesse in the climate change wars became a convert to freedom and liberty.  He, on his own, restored free speech to a significant part of the social media landscape.

With the restoration of free speech, facts began to dribble out that contradicted the idea of a wise and benevolent government.  Smart people, who were not chained to government financing, researched and independently exposed the grand scam.

This huge experiment in pharmacological planning ended up flipping the rubrical narrative that had largely covered public affairs for everyone’s lifetimes. The terrible reality was being broadcast to the whole population in ways no one had ever before experienced. Centuries of philosophy and rhetoric were being shredded before our eyes, as whole populations came face-to-face with the unthinkable: government had become a grand scam or even criminal enterprise, a machinery that served only elite plans and elite institutions. 

This realization transversed typical partisan and ideological boundaries. Those who did not like to think about issues of class conflict had to face the ways in which the whole system was serving one class at the expense of everyone else. The cheerleaders of government beneficence faced the unthinkable: their true love had become malevolent. The champions of private enterprise had to deal with the ways in which private corporations participated and benefited from the entire fiasco. All major political parties and their journalistic backers participated. \…

Making matters more confusing, no one in charge of this disaster would admit error or even explain their thinking. The burning questions were and are so voluminous as to be impossible to list in full. In the US, there was supposed to be a Covid commission but it never formed. Why? Because the critics far outweighed the apologists, and a public commission proved too risky. 

There was no way that a Biden administration could permit even a controlled review of the whole COVID fiasco.  To do so would have made any attempt at controlling the narrative even more difficult.  So, instead, they claimed that Biden had overseen the greatest recovery of the economy in history.  In addition, the economy was running just great.

The only problem here was reality.  Prices skyrocketed as America experienced the greatest inflation since the Jimmy Carter administration.  The Biden administration sold the strategic petroleum reserve down to its lowest level ever.  This was done to blunt the effect of the raging inflation that had been unleashed.  The reserve was supposed to be for times of war when such supplies might be inhibited.

We are now seeing revelations of just how incestuous the relationship was between big money players.  This includes elite politicians, judges, oligarchs, etc.

We live in the midst of that now, with minute-by-minute revelations of where the money went and who precisely was involved. Multiple trillions were squandered as the people’s standard of living took a dive, and now top among the burning questions is: who got the money? Careers are being wrecked as famous anti-corporate crusaders like Bernie Sanders turn out to be the US Senate’s largest single beneficiary of pharma largesse, exposed for the world. 

The Sanders story is just one data point of millions. The news of the sheer number of rackets is spilling out like an avalanche minute-by-minute. The newspapers we thought were chronicling public life turned out to be on the take. The fact-checkers were always working for the blob. The censors were only protecting themselves. The inspectors we believed were keeping an eye out were always in on the game. The courts keeping tabs on government overreach were enabling it. The bureaucracies tagged to implement legislation were unchecked and unelected legislatures in themselves. 

The entire system of government – properly conceived of not as a democratically elected conduit of the peoples’ interest but instead a complicated and unelected network of unfathomable industrial racketeering with a ruling class at the controls – seems to be unraveling before our eyes. 

How deep is the corruption? There are no words to describe its breadth and depth. 

And who is celebrating this or, at least, enjoying the upheaval and cheering it on? It’s the independent media, the genuine grassroots, the deplorables and nonessentials, the pillaged and oppressed, the workers and peasants who were forced to serve the elites for years, those who have been truly marginalized through decades of exclusion from public life. 

How this will all end in America is yet to be written.  This is like doing open-heart surgery.  The patient is alive but in need of significant remodeling.  One has to get this right if the patient is to survive.  One thing is certain.  Public life in America will never be the same.

The Most Dramatic Narrative Shift in Modern History

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