Category Archives: Congress


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It has become apparent that George Orwell’s 1984 is here.  Full scale censorship of all news and information that is contrary to the interests of our corrupt leaders is upon us.  They no longer attempt to hide this.  YouTube has taken the next step in this process by trying to control news about the Ukraine conflict.  Dr. Tom Woods has produced a post on this.

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When the Left talks about someone who is not in their tribe doing something that is nefarious and underhanded, one can almost always assume that the Left is already doing the same thing.  It’s called projection and it is something that Democrats are masters of.

On Tuesday Nancy Pelosi came out and identified what Putin’s strategy is in Ukraine.  According to her, the Russian president is trying to bait her into attacking his forces in Ukraine so that he can start World War III against her.

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These are dark times.  Violence is escalating as those who would use COVID to control the world are losing that battle.  In Amsterdam (yes, I know, this is not being reported by Big Media here), huge anti-lockdown demonstrations turned into real violence with protesters mauled by police dogs and beaten with batons in the streets.  The COVID compliance police went to extraordinary lengths to be physically violent.

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Mandate Pause

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The vaccine mandate proposed by the con man in the White House to be implemented through OSHA emergency rules has been “paused” due to an injunction by a federal court.  I put “paused” in quotes because apparently the administration is ignoring the stay.

Press Secretary Jen Psaki was asked what the administration’s response is to OSHA indicating that they were halting the implementation and enforcement of President Biden’s vaccine mandate on private companies.  Katie Pavlich reported:

“Let me be very clear, our message to businesses right now is to move forward with measures that will make their workplace safer and protect their work forces from COVID-19. That was our message after the first stay from the Sixth Circuit and nothing has changed,” Psaki said, urging private companies to move forward with mandates regardless of constitutional violations. “We are still heading toward the same timeline.

Multiple lawsuits challenging the OSHA rules have been consolidated into one federal court.  The unconstitutionality of such far-reaching rules under the guise of public safety seems to be obvious.  What may not be obvious to most people is just how invasive this attempt to control the country really is.

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Pelosi Unhinged

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What in the world is the Speaker of the House talking about?  This is supposed to be someone who is in full command of her faculties.  She is part of the illegitimate government that is trying to turn the country into a communist one.

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Odds & Ends

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Oregon Governor Kate Brown has cancelled the proficiency standards for reading, writing and math from high school graduation requirements in Oregon.

The governor’s office says “suspending the reading, writing and math proficiency requirements … will benefit “Oregon’s Black, Latino, Latina, Latinx, Indigenous, Asian, Pacific Islander, Tribal, and students of color.”

In essence, the students of color are not smart enough to learn reading, writing or math – so they shouldn’t be expected to read, write or understand mathematics.

How racist can one person be?  This is as bad as saying that people of color are too stupid to get/keep an ID so that they can vote.

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They call being a Republican treason

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Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican president. A Democrat assassinated him. Now Democrats and Fake Republicans are using Lincoln’s name to try to eliminate the Republican Party as a viable participant in America’s political process.

Lincoln’s name has long been used by both parties to enhance their chances with Americans. The Lincoln Project is part of the Democrats’ efforts to derail Republican attempts to win back Congress next year.  It is being used to smear Republicans as traitors and worse.

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The Latest Desperate Move

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After Joe Biden’s white-knuckled speech in Philadelphia about protecting the right of Democrats to commit election and voter fraud, Congress in the form of the House Oversight and Reform Committee will now try to discredit America’s Audit in Maricopa County, Arizona.  [pdf of letter to Arizona auditors here]. The Democrats cannot afford to have the public come to believe in the fact of an illegitimate President.

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Pelosi Wants a Nationwide Police Force

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In what has to a stunning move by congressional Democrats, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) announced she was opening satellite Capitol Police offices in California and Florida.  Supposedly this is to investigate threats against members of Congress.  The Speaker indicated that there would be more locations around the country announced in the future.

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