As I discussed in a post last week, political correctness is about rigidity of thinking. The idea is to censor people’s thinking along fairly rigid and specific lines. By not allowing thinking that is outside the box, the hope is to control the ways people see what is around them. In other words this is a method to alter people’s perception of reality.
If a person dares to speak/think outside accepted norms, the left will label him/her. The form of that label will be will depend on the circumstances that surround the stepping outside the box. The label will present the individual as a deplorable. They may call the person a racist, a sexist, a homophobe, an islamophobe, etc. Whatever it will be, it will be such as to present the person as evil in some way.
In this day and age there is no area of American life with more rigidity of thinking than on our college campuses. The fact is that 1 in 6 of America’s 400 top colleges have “free speech zones.” “Free speech zones”—the name sounds good, right? The sad truth is that free speech zones are far from free. Many college campuses restrict free speech solely to these areas, meaning that the rest of campus is not open for expression. Not only that but many of the so-called free speech zones have unduly restrictive regulations on their use which include pre-registration, limited use and limited areas.
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