Category Archives: Disinformation

Biden Beats The War Drums

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The powers behind the Oval Office are pushing America into war against Russia.  These people started this process during the Obama administration with the coup that overthrew the existing Ukrainian government.  Why?  Because the Ukrainian President at the time was getting friendly with Russia.

They are now determined to “protect the UniParty’s financial and political interests” in Ukraine as a money laundering operation for US stakeholders.

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Things That Make You Go Hmmm

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Joe Manchin at the World Economic Forum complaining about the “open press” and that it is a problem to be solved.

Apparently, Manchin does not believe in freedom of speech or freedom of assembly.  How can the elite control every aspect of people’s lives if such people can have unfettered conversations on the internet?  Let’s remember that the first thing communists do when they take over is to close churches to prevent such unfettered conversations.  Witness Zelenskyy’s moves in Ukraine.

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Damar Hamlin

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We are all praying for the safe recovery for this young man.  For those who may not be aware, Hamlin collapsed on the field during the Buffalo Bills NFL game on Sunday.  The game was later suspended.  Exactly what was the cause of his collapse is not known at this time.  Dr. Tom Woods has written a post that I think is appropriate for where we are in our relationships with the public health elite in our country.

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SWAT Team to Raid Biden Basement

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Recently Project Veritas came into possession of leaked information from the FBI regarding election crimes.  This “guidance” document put “disinformation” into the category of an “election crime.”  Sharing such “false or inaccurate information intended to mislead others” may lead the FBI to charge people with election crimes.

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Panic Time

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Don Surber had a couple of interesting articles recently.  In one he noted that the Ukrainian war was a foregone conclusion once the coup had been successfully navigated.  Why?  Because crooks always pay off their benefactors (and keep some for themselves).   In the other Don talks about panic within the ranks of the Democrats over the impending elections.  These two issues are inextricably tied together.

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Democratic Science Denier

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Stacy Abrams who is running again for the governor of Georgia and who has long been an election denier, has now become a science denier.  Recently Abrams made the claim that the fetal heart beat that is heard at six weeks is not real.  According to Abrams it is just a manufactured sound.

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Preaching Totalitarianism

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The result of preaching totalitarian doctrines is to weaken the instinct by means of which free peoples know what is or is not dangerous.” — George Orwell, Animal Farm

Perhaps no quote is more apropos for our times about what is going on in western countries right now.  Bob Livingston has written an essay that pours sunlight on this idea.

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