Category Archives: Election

Election Background Info

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The control mechanisms that were mentioned previously involved in the presidential primary process on the DNC side have a history.  That history goes back to the first decade of this century.  Sundance provides the insights:

♦ BACKGROUND – There is a history – a backstory – that only a small group of people genuinely understand.  The answers around this 2024 DNC changes boil down to the less discussed issue of ideological camps and the modern alignment that has taken place over the past decade.  The most visible reference for the inflection point was the 2008 primary contest between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. ... 

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Stinchfield on Threats to Democracy

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Democrats have mastered the art of the talking points. As part of the campaign strategy, the Biden Administration dispatched dozens of leftist propagandists to start pushing the bogus mantra that “Trump is a threat to democracy.”

It is the most hypocritical statement to come from team Biden. We know that Joe Biden and his weaponized Justice Department are the true threats to democracy. Grant Stinchfield has a twenty-seven minute spiel on this.

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Too Predictable

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As predictable as the sun coming up in the east, those who seek permanent power in Washington are starting another war.  Multiple analysts had indicated that Yemen, a country that our State Department has sent $5.4 billion over the last few years, would become a target of our military.

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Mexico Declares War

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In a press conference last week, Mexican President López Obrador called on the U.S. to approve a plan that would deploy $20 billion to Latin American and Caribbean countries, suspend the U.S. blockade of Cuba, remove all sanctions against Venezuela and grant at least 10 million Hispanics living in the U.S. the right to remain and work legally.

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Saving Democracy

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Since the start of the Ukraine-Russia combat, we have constantly heard from our hallowed masters in Washington that America must stand with Ukraine to stop this “attack on democracy.”  A visit to the DC Beltway would re-enforce this message.  That message is one that is trumpeted constantly in Big Media so that Washington politicos can find cover for funding the money laundering operation that is Ukraine, the most corrupt country in Europe.  Interestingly enough this is the same message we are now hearing in the Communist Democratic campaigns for political office in this country.  Democracy is under attack.

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Biden In South Carolina

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Joe Biden went to Valley Forge and lied his ass off to kick off his 2024 campaign for a second term.   The senile President spends more time in Wilmington, Delaware than he does in DC.

On Monday, Biden went to the Mother Emanuel AME Church in South Carolina and did the same thing.  Why there?  This is the church where Dylan Roof, an avowed white supremacist, killed nine people in 2015.  Biden went to declare that MAGA and former President Trump, in addition to being a “threat to democracy,” is a threat to the welfare of black people as well.

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Biden Calls Americans Extremists

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Joe Biden’s campaign launched its first propaganda video of 2024. In it, Biden calls millions of Americans “extremists.”  This is accomplished by showing a woman praying in front of an American flag at the beginning of the video while Biden denigrates those in our country who believe in the core values our founders gave us.

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