Category Archives: Election

Winning Again

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There is a case that has been winding its way through the courts.  It is Missouri, Louisiana, etc. vs Biden, et al.  It is a First Amendment case where the states have claimed that the Biden administration totally violated the first amendment, by forcing and coercing social media and other organizations to ban speech, block opinion and censor information they determined was against their interests.  In other words, the government was using private companies and enterprises to do what they are categorically prohibited from doing.

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Coming For Your Guns

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What has just happened in New Mexico is what anyone with two working brain cells could see was coming back in 2020 and 2021.  Various state governors used “Public Health Emergency” declarations so that they could rule by fiat.  This resulted in the removal of constitutional and legislatively enacted rights.  People were being conditioned to this approach to governance.

The governor of New Mexico, Michelle Grisham, has declared gun possession unlawful.  Grisham has done under the auspices of a “Public Health Emergency.”  Residents of Albuquerque will become exposed to fines ranging up to $5,000 if they found to be carrying either open or concealed.

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Here We Go

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The White House announced on Monday that Jill Biden has tested positive for the COVID virus while vacationing in Delaware. This is despite being double-vaccinated and twice-boosted.  As a result, Joe Biden has reverted to wearing a mask, even though he has tested negative for the virus and masks don’t work.

On another note, Whoopi Goldberg has announced that she has contracted COVID for a third time despite being jabbed twice and boosted twice.  Where is the protection that the CDC keeps telling us about in the various ads running on all levels of media?

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If one lives in a leftist bubble, one has to do a lot of pretending not to know things.  This was evident again Sunday on The Powerhouse Roundtable hosted by George Stephanopoulos.  The panel was amazed that polling is showing PDJT widening his lead over his primary opponents.  In addition, he is now polling ahead of Joe Biden with a diverse group of Americans.

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Democratic Rights and Norms

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Now that the Republican campaign season is officially open with the first primary debate over in Wisconsin, it is probably a good idea to see what promises they are making that everyone knows they will not keep.  During the runup to these events and in interviews afterwards, the erstwhile candidates to be first loser often go deep into their visions for the country.  Again this is just blathering on their part but it is often fun to see just how hypocritical these people can be.

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Trump Doctrine

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PDJT has announced that he will not be doing the first debate.  And that may extend to all Republican primary debates.  Murdoch of Fox News is furious at the loss of revenue this will entail. Fox is bleeding viewers since the ouster of Tucker Carlson.  Ronna McDaniel is also upset since this will undoubtedly reduce the amounts of money coming into the coffers of the RNC.  Let’s always remember that the RNC is a private organization.  This private organization is beholden to those who fund it.

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The Worst Four Minutes

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Most of us remember the war against the people who refused the jab.  The jab did almost nothing in terms of preventing infection.  Still, people were fired from their jobs.  Multiple doses made some people into super carriers.  They were Typhoid Marys.  But, according to those involved in this war against science,  the unjabbed were the problem.

Now they want us to forgive and forget.  They tried to use state power to coerce us into giving up our most basic right – the right to choose what medicines we take. They put the jackboot on our throats and told us to comply.  They hated us for refusing and made sure that everyone knew it.

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More Questions

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I have more questions that need an open and honest discussion.

When did it become optional not to pay back money that was borrowed?  What act of Congress allows the Executive branch to buy votes by pretending that such a law exists?  What act of Congress suspended contract law?  How is “forgiving” $400 billion in student loans not inflationary?

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