Category Archives: Election


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I have questions that need a totally open and honest discussion.  However, our overlords do not want us to discuss these questions since it raises issues that put them in a bad light.  They do not want us to even think about these issues.  Of course, that is the ultimate goal.  If we are not allowed to think about these items, then they do not have to deal with us using our God-given right of freedom of speech.

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John Lauro Defends PDJT

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John Lauro, one of President Trump’s attorneys, went on Meet The Press and pushed back successfully against narrative engineer Chuck Todd’s attempts to justify the criminal prosecution of PDJT.  In the process Lauro exposes just how intellectually deficient Chuck Todd is.  Everytime Todd realized that he was losing the intellectual argument, the argument based on the facts, he changed the subject.

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Procedural Mistake?

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Was Jack Smith in such a hurry to provide a smokescreen for the corruption being exposed in the Capitol Building that he failed to understand the doors he was opening for PDJT?  Did Jack “Laventiy Beria” Smith just open the door for a full on display of all the indicators that the 2020 election had massive fraud?  Smith has filed criminal charges of fraud.  Smith must prove that the election was not stolen and that PDJT knew that the election was not stolen.  I won’t get into the freedom of speech issues here, just the aspects of the fraud charges.  I also will not delve into the fact that the Supreme Court by an 8-0 vote overturned a conviction where Smith had used the same theory of the crime.

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Fox News Begs For Viewers

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Not only is Fox News begging for viewers but the RNC is begging for money according to the Freudian slip of Ronna McDaniel, chairwoman of the RNC.  Both organizations have a vested interest in PDJT appearing at the debates and it has nothing to do with “contrasting” Republican positions with the ones promoted by the other side of the Uniparty.  It’s all about the dollars.  Note the freudian slip by McDaniel about 20 million dollars.

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Civil War?

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Some interesting items coming out of a recent Substack post by Seymour Hersh.  For those not familiar with Hersh, his story is one of fierce independence.  Hersh has been at the forefront of investigative journalism for decades.  The My Lai massacre expose earned Hersh a Pulitzer.  This was at a time when getting a Pulitzer really meant something.

Hersh’s recent piece examines the state of the Democratic Party as the 2024 election cycle approaches.

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Odds & Ends

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Las Vegas has a booking line on just about anything that is up for debate.  One of the current lines operating is on whose baggie of cocaine was found in the White House.  BetOnline  made the first son the top pick that he was the one enjoying a spot of nose candy in the West Wing.

Despite plenty of videotapes and facial recognition technology, the vaunted FBI, who were able to track J6 defendants across the country and around the world, claimed they will never discover whose stash it was.

That’s because the potential offender is a “protected” class.

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