Category Archives: Election

Biden vs 2024 Run

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Just what is going on In Washington?  We are seeing a steady drip of allegations against Biden that are not simply being ignored.  Yes, in some cases, there are attempts by various sectors of Big Media to misdirect our attention to something else.  However, there seems to be a growing groundswell of articles in Big Media that cast Joe Biden in a negative light.  Is this evidence that a decision has been made by the people behind the curtain that Biden has become too big of a liability?

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Quality Candidates

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One of the things that was bandied about after the November elections when the Republicans did not do as well as expected was the fact that they did not field “quality candidates.”  One of those quality candidates on the Democratic side reappeared in Congress after spending two months in the psych ward.  John Fetterman had followed the Biden campaign approach not appearing in public any more than was absolutely necessary.

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Is DeSantis A Fraud?

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Much debate has swirled around Governor Ron DeSantis and his bona fides.  Is he for real?  That is, will he represent the people if he advances to higher office or will he be another puppet of the Deep State?  An interesting development in Florida may hint at an answer to that question.

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It appears that the unprecedented indictment of a former President of the United States is now imminent.  The only problem at the moment is that Manhattan DA Alvin Braggs is hesitating.  This probably does not sit well with the money people behind him who want to see that Donald Trump will never again threaten their money flow.

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Suspension of Constitutional Order

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Many Americans believe that the January 6th events were staged.  Much has been made of the fact that certain individuals were seen agitating and riling people up, entering the Capitol with them and then selectively being ignored in the mass arrests that were made.  Nancy Pelosi had a camera crew in the Capitol to record events.  The J6 Unselect Committee was designed to keep the public’s attention away from the election fraud that occurred.

Few people had really reviewed what happened inside Congress on that day.  Regitiger has published a piece that is worthy of review and thought.  Please bear with the misspellings and punctuation errors.  This piece deserves careful consideration.

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Bipartisan Censorship

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If one ever doubted that the UniParty exists, the events of the last week should bury that doubt forever.  On March 1st, Chuck Schumer (D-NY) Senate majority leader, and Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY), the House minority leader, called for Tucker Carlson, et al, to be made to bow down and back away from the Big Lie that Joe Biden won the 2020 election.  This was a direct attack on the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights.

On March 7th, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) joined with them blasting Tucker Carlson and Fox News for “misrepresenting” the events of January 6th.

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The Big Lie

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Anytime one hears about the Democrats complaining about someone spreading lies, one can be sure the real problem is the truth is becoming exposed for all the public to see.  It is difficult to determine what lies were the biggest but certainly the idea that 81 million people actually voted for the evil old man occupying the White House on occasion is close to the top if not at the top of the list.

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Last year, experts in multiple related agricultural fields had openly started to discuss and predict a looming crisis in the global food supply since the majority of food is contingent on only one or two growing cycles per year for harvest.  Such harvests have now been diminished by the various actions of governments who are more interested in the Green New Deal than they are in feeding their citizens.  Big Media is now admitting that a serious food crisis may be upon us.

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