Category Archives: Election

Odds & Ends

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A multi-billion dollar company in California killed 21,000 fish — many of them rare and endangered species in a chlorine leak.

They will not be held accountable.  Why?  Because they are UC-Davis and no one will hold academia accountable for anything because academia supports the hard core leftists in this country.

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Here & There

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One big city mayor is complaining about migrants being sent to his city.  NYC Mayor Eric Adams whined, “Our schools are going to be impacted.  Our healthcare system is going to be impacted.  Our infrastructure is going to be impacted.”

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Bits & Pieces

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Senator Tim Scott Exposed

South Carolina Senator Lindsay Graham has been known as a DeceptiCon for a long time.  The other Senator from South Carolina, Tim Scott, has successfully hidden out and tricked most of the Tea Party republican base of voters for several years.  Some people have even promoted Tim Scott’s name for the presidency.

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Election Insights

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Mask mandates did not stop the spread of COVID, but they have started the spread of a backlash against public officials in California, and most of them are Democrats.  With the midterms approaching, what effect will this have on California elections?

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Vaccine Morbidity in Massachusetts

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Massachusetts is a leading medical and pharmaceutical center in the country and in the world.  Massachusetts has been at the forefront technological advances that have benefited mankind.  This post explores Coquin de Chien’s article on how Massachusetts has fared in the recent COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent “vaccine” morbidity that continues to this day.

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JFK On Parking Lots & Crackheads.

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Some insights from a US Senator. (hat tip…RM)

JFK On Parking Lots & Crackheads.


First of all, I’m John Kennedy, not that John Kennedy, I am the other John Kennedy, the Senator representing the great state of Louisiana.

Permit me to tell you what I believe.

  • I believe America was founded by geniuses but is now run by idiots.
  • I believe you can’t fix stupid, but you can vote them out of office.
  • When was the last time you heard of anyone trying to sneak into China.
  • America is so great that people who hate it, refuse to leave it.
  • Let me say something about the Biden administration, so far the Biden administration sucks.
  • I don’t like to brag about the expensive places I’ve been to, but this morning I went to the gas station.
  • I believe exercise makes you look better naked. But so does alcohol.
  • Welfare should be a bridge, not a parking lot.
  • Weakness invites the wolves.
  • We must arm for peace.
  • We don’t have a gun control problem, we have an idiot control problem.
  • Free advice friends, if government tells you not to buy a gun, buy two.
  • I believe if you hate police officers, the next time you are in trouble, call a crack-head.
  • Here’s a free tip, cops will leave you alone if you don’t do stupid things.
  • I believe we need an election day, not an election month.
  • I believe you should be able to prove who you say you are when you vote.
  • I believe 400,000 bodies buried at arlington national cemetery is the reason you should stand for the national anthem.
  • I believe the water won’t clear till you get the pigs out of the creek.
  • I believe love is the answer, but you should own a gun, just in case.
  •  ... 

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    Here & There

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    Democrats continue to try to sexualize all of our kids regardless of age.  Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said that “drag queens make everything better” and that there should be “a drag queen for every school.”

    This woman is promoting the grooming of kids for sexual predators and abusers.  When I first heard about this, I assumed it had to be a piece from Babylon Bee.  It isn’t.  It is factual news.

    Nothing makes Satan more satisfied than the destruction of the innocent.  This just what this woman is attempting to do.  There is little difference between her actions here and Ghislaine Maxwell’s actions in snaring underage children for Jeffrey Epstein’s escapades. ... 

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    Odds & Ends

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    The New York Post reported, “The sicko suspected of randomly shoving a woman onto subway tracks in The Bronx was arrested Tuesday — after an eagle-eyed MTA worker recognized him from a wanted poster and flagged down cops.

    “Theodore Ellis, 31, was taken into custody just before noon at the Jackson Avenue station in Melrose – the same station where he shoved his 52-year-old victim onto the roadbed Sunday afternoon, cops said.

    His rap sheet goes back to when he was 15. It includes: aggravated harassment, narcotics, robbery, grand larceny, animal abuse, resisting arrest, obstruction and assault.

    They should lock him up and throw away the key.  However, NYC is a “progressive” city.  He was probably released without having to post bail.  After all, he hasn’t killed anyone yet.

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