Category Archives: Election

The Latest Desperate Move

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After Joe Biden’s white-knuckled speech in Philadelphia about protecting the right of Democrats to commit election and voter fraud, Congress in the form of the House Oversight and Reform Committee will now try to discredit America’s Audit in Maricopa County, Arizona.  [pdf of letter to Arizona auditors here]. The Democrats cannot afford to have the public come to believe in the fact of an illegitimate President.

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Random Items

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The numbers do not match!  Arizona Senate President Karen Fann said that the number of ballots in the audit do not match the certified total put out by Maricopa County officials.  The exact number has not been announced.  The auditors are re-checking everything to prove that the audit is 100% accurate.

Most of us knew this was coming since the Maricopa County officials have done everything to stop the audit.  They knew the numbers would not match.

Those responsible for this need orange jumpsuits. ... 

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Dominoes is a classic game played by kids and adults everywhere.  One of the more interesting things done with dominoes (and all kids do this) is to line them up and then knock one over and watch the others fall in succession.  This idea of one action causing others is often referred to when a courageous action by a brave soul elicits more of the same by others.  It appears that this is now happening with regard to investigating election fraud in the 2020 presidential election.

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Supremes Uphold Law Banning Ballot Harvesting

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In a 6-3 decision, the Supreme Court upheld an Arizona law that banned the practice of indiscriminate ballot harvesting and nullified any ballot cast in the wrong precinct.  This was an important step to ensure that states can take reasonable steps to ensure the integrity of the vote within their state. This bolsters the efforts ongoing in Georgia to ensure the integrity of their elections. Three justices dissented claiming the law was racist and would undermine Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act (VRA).

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Greetings, Comrades

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Comrades, let it not be said that the US DOJ ministry is not on guard to protect you from nefarious elements within rebellious sections of our great country.  On Friday, the DOJ ministry moved to quash a rebellion within the glorious State of Georgia.  All citizens should be thankful that the DOJ ministry is on the job working to protect them.  [DOJ Announcement Here]

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Why do the Chinese have a copy of Hunter Biden’s hard drive from his laptop?  According to Red State, the high-level Chinese defector, who has been in the hands of the DIA for several months, brought with him a copy of the hard drive.  Just how compromised is Joe Biden?

Who thought it was a good idea for the Avatar in the White House to hold a summit with Putin?  They should be looking for a new job.  Biden snapped at reporters who asked softball questions while Putin handled the US press like a seasoned politico.  The contrast was dramatic.  Is Biden on the way out?

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Random Thoughts

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The administration announced plans to create ways for American to rat on each other.  Ostensibly this is to fight “domestic terrorism.”  Of course, “domestic terrorism” is defined as opposing the policies of the current government.

The administration has noted several times that “white supremacy” is the number one threat that this country faces.  “White supremacy” is defined as any actions that oppose the current government’s objectives in turning the country into one big slave plantation.  The political entities with the “correct” philosophies would be exempt from such reporting.

The Department of Homeland Security plans to work with tech companies to help combat “malicious content online that bad actors deliberately try to disseminate.”  Again bad actors will be defined to be anyone who espoused a different philosophy than the ruling junta in Washington.

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Fulton County, Georgia

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On Monday, a Fulton County election official admitted that “a few forms were missing” and that “some procedural paperwork may have been misplaced.”  This was in reference to “chain of custody” documents in connection with absentee ballots that were placed in “drop boxes.”  As it turns out according to a Georgia Star News report, 385 transfer forms out of approximately 1585 forms are missing.  This seems to be more than a few.

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