Category Archives: Election

Did Biden Cause The Deaths Of Seal Team 6 Members?

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During the Obama administration, Osama bin Laden was hunted down and killed.  Shortly thereafter VP Joe Biden announced to the world that it was Seal Team 6 that had carried out the operation.  Why Biden did this is unknown.  Was he trying to show the world that he was “in the know?”  Did his desire to be seen as relevant in the Obama administration prompt him to do something as stupid as this?

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Rudy Not Messing Around

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Rudy Giuliani is not messing around.  Joe Biden threw his own son into the den of inequity.  According to reports, Hunter Biden and his associates have been under criminal investigation by the FBI since 2019.  Just what was Joe Biden’s “cut” from all of this?

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Who controls our government?  It should be We The People.  PDJT is trying to return control of the government to the people of America.  PDJT is opposed in this by all of the Democratic Party and their media allies as well as some of the GOP. As PDJT points out, a small group in Washington has been reaping the rewards of government at the expense of the American people.  The recent expose on Joe and Hunter Biden is just one example of this kind of activity.

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China Joe

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PDJT has a knack for creating nicknames for powerful people that accurately reflect just what that powerful person is all about.  “Pocahontas” and “Crooked Hillary” are just two such nicknames that come to mind.

PDJT has long referred to Joe Biden as “Sleepy Joe.”  This does reflect the fact that Joe Biden’s cognitive facilities are in decline.  However, based on revelations that are occurring on a daily basis at this point in time, I think a more accurate one would be “China Joe” or as more than one wag has noted “Quid Pro Joe.”  Another possibility might be “Traitor Joe.”

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Ivanka Trump vs Joe Biden

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If the support levels for campaign surrogates is any evidence of support levels for the top of the ticket candidates, then President Trump is about to crush Joe Biden in Florida.  Ivanka Trump went campaigning in Sarasota, FL (pop. 430,000).  Once again tons of people showed up.

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