Category Archives: Election


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Charlie Kirk, president and founder of Turning Point USA, spoke at the Republican National Convention.  Kirk began his speech by warning that this election is about preserving the America of our founding fathers or eliminating all that we love about our country.

Kirk pointed out the corrupt nature of those who have led our government for so long.  He highlighted the efforts of Donald Trump to reclaim the country for its citizens.  Kirk called PDJT our bodyguard, our protector from those who would transform the country away from one of great promise. ... 

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Fake News

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Deceptive journalism is what Marxist countries do.  CBS News which has been caught in the past running deceptive or outright fake images in their news feeds has been caught again.  Of course, it is not new that CBS is heavily biased against PDJT.  CBS manipulated a picture from President Trump’s “Latino’s for Trump” event to showcase Joe Biden’s Latino outreach effort in Miami.

CBS runs a Breaking News headline that Biden is wooing Latino voters during a Florida campaign stop while running a picture of the overwhelming support for PDJT at a Latino event. ... 

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Myron Lizer Speaks for Native Americans

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Myron Lizer, vice-president of the Navajo Nation, spoke at the RNC convention.  He talked about the fact that Native Americans had never been invited to participate in the American Dream.  He referenced the broken promises of many Congress people.

Lizer praised the President for all he has done to repair the relationship between Native Americans and Alaskan Natives and the Federal Government.  He noted that PDJT had re-activated the White House Council on Native American affairs.  This should help to promote economic development among Native Americans.  Economic development is one of PDJT’s priorities for America. ... 

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Some COVID-19 Updates

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Now that Joe Biden is flailing around for a campaign item that might resonate with the voters, it is probably a good time to review where America is with the virus.  Biden has told the country that he will require a nation-wide mask mandate on his first day in office.

“Every single American should be wearing a mask WHEN THEY’RE OUTSIDE for the next 3 months AT A MINIMUM …” (emphasis added).

One brainwashed celebrity said, “Now that’s leadership.”  Most normal people say that’s insanity. ... 

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Small Businesses Thriving

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John Peterson, owner of a second-generation metal-fabricating business, Schuette Metals, spoke on the second night of the RNC convention.  Peterson gave a brief history of his business.  He talked about the expansion of the business from a 12-person shop to one employing more than 100 people now.

Peterson talked about how the Obama-Biden administration reduced funding opportunities for small businesses strangling their ability to raise capital to run their business.  This occurred through the many additional regulations placed on the banking industry that made lending to small businesses not worth the effort. ... 

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Hope and Opportunity

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Sean Parnell speaks at the RNC about diversity and about being bound together as Americans.  Sean related his experiences as a platoon leader in Afghanistan.  He spoke about their success as a unit despite their differences.  Their commonality was that they were Americans.

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Middle East Peace

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Is peace in the Middle East at hand?  While there have been announcements before about deals that would help provide stability to the region, none of them ever actually panned out.  This frustrated Presidents of both parties as well as diplomats and other go-betweens.

The developments of the last month or so show a strong move toward acceptance of Israel as a legitimate country and as a partner on the world stage.

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PDJT’s statement as a candidate in 2016 rings true today just as it did then.  His belief in the strength of America and its ideals is a beacon of hope for all of us.

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Be Careful What You Pray For

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Sister Dede Byrne, a nun in the Little Workers of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, gave a speech at the RNC in support of human life.  By using the words in the title of this article early on, she put everyone at ease.

Sister Byrne described her route to where she is today.  This has taken her all over the world serving the call of God.

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