Category Archives: Election

Is The ICIG Guilty of A Corrupt Act?

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It was widely known that in order to submit an ICIG whistleblower report that the information had to be firsthand knowledge.  No hearsay or gossip was permitted.  It was stated unequivocally that submitting second-hand knowledge would result in the complaint being rejected.

As Sean Davis at The Federalist noted,

“The [Intelligence Community Inspector General] cannot transmit information via the ICPWA based on an employee’s second-hand knowledge of wrongdoing,” the previous form stated under the bolded heading “FIRST-HAND INFORMATION REQUIRED.” “This includes information received from another person, such as when an employee informs you that he/she witnessed some type of wrongdoing.”

“If you think that wrongdoing took place, but can provide nothing more than second-hand or unsubstantiated assertions, [the Intelligence Community Inspector General] will not be able to process the complaint or information for submission as an ICWPA,” the form concluded.

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CBS’ 60 Minutes Impeachment Coverage Begins With A Lie

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CBS Reporter Scott Pelley led the CBS broadcast of the House impeachment “inquiry” of PDJT with a stunning claim:

“Tonight, “60 Minutes” has obtained a letter that indicates the government whistleblower who set off the impeachment inquiry of President Trump is under federal protection, because he or she fears for their safety.”

This is quite a claim.  Obviously it conjures up the image of the witness protection program and Mafia-style evildoers stalking this person with intent to do bodily harm and more.  The only problem?  It wasn’t true.  Apparently Pelley “misconstrued” the contents of a letter sent by the “whistleblower’s” attorney.

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Do the Democrats Hate America?

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The Democratic debate last week raises a serious question about the Democratic candidates. The ten candidates on stage certainly seemed to have a hatred for most of America. Although the brainwashed audience applauded wildly at trimes during the debate, the fact is that most of the proposals advanced by the candidates would seriously harm America and the world. Even worse, they would transform this country from one where freedom and liberty are bedrock values to one where top-down control from the government would be the order of the day.

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Double-barrel Victory

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Two special elections for the House of Representatives were held on Tuesday in North Carolina.  These were for NC3 and NC9.  The Republican who had represented NC3 died after winning re-election in 2018.  In NC9 Mark Harris, the incumbent Republican, edged Dan McCready, a smooth talking and personable Democrat by a few hundred votes in 2018.  However, the NC Board of Elections refused to certify the win.

The reason?  Apparently a political consultant for the Harris campaign allegedly mishandled some absentee ballots.   The Board of Elections felt the case was strong enough to call for another election. This mishandling of absentee ballots is currently being litigated in the courts in NC.

It sounds an awful lot like the “harvesting” of ballots that took place in California during the 2018 elections.  In some counties in California, more than 250,000 absentee ballots were “harvested.”  The result was the flipping of a considerable number of House districts from Republican to Democratic hands.  No charges have been filed in California.

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Jobs! Jobs! Jobs!

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If you listen to the MSM and their enablers on the left, everyone knows that the MSM, the Democrats and the multi-nationals are rooting for America to go into a recession.  They want America to suffer setbacks.  Why? Because there are trillions of dollars at stake and they want to see to it that Americans do not earn that money. They want it to stay in their pockets.

This is obscene.  These people want America to have a recession so they can make up a story that it is PDJT’s fault.  They want to say that he is ignorant, doesn’t understand global economics, etc.

This reminds me of a column that Paul Krugman, Nobel laureate and Trump-hater, penned in May in the NYTimes.  As some may remembe Continue reading...

Why A Liberal Jew Voted For Trump

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Evan Sayet was a liberal Jew.  After 9-11 he became a conservative thinker and recently wrote the following when he realized how off base the left was:

Trump’s ‘lack of decorum, dignity, and statesmanship’   

My Leftist friends (as well as many ardent #NeverTrumpers) constantly ask me if I’m not bothered by Donald Trump’s lack of decorum. They ask if I don’t think his tweets are “beneath the dignity of the office.”

Here’s my answer: We Right-thinking people have tried dignity. There could not have been a man of more quiet dignity than George W. Bush as he suffered the outrageous lies and politically motivated hatreds that undermined his presidency. ... 

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There has been an interesting development on the other side of “the pond” which is the English way of referring to the Atlantic Ocean.  For more than two years the British government under Theresa May had been trying to come up with a plan to exit the European Union (EU). Most of this action under Theresa May appears to have been a stalling action.  The pols hoped that at some point the British would lose interest and the fact that the voting population had spoken out in favor of leaving the EU would disappear into history.

The fact that the Brits had voted for Brexit was as surprising as PDJT winning the Presidency here.  The polls had all shown that Brexit would go down to defeat.  Supposedly there was little chance it would pass.  The polls were wrong again.

Stalling eventually cost Theresa May her job.  The people were not happy that the UK was still in the EU.  Boris Johnson’s Party achieved a majority around the idea that he would complete the process including, if needed, a “no-deal” Brexit.

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Beto Bans The Press

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“If we don’t have a free press, if we cannot make informed decisions at the ballot box, if we can’t hold people like me accountable, and make sure that we’re held honest to the promises that we made, to the job that we’re performing in these positions of public trust, we’ll lose the essence of our democracy.”

This is really good stuff.  That is, if the person who made this proclamation really meant it.  Who said this?  Beto O’Rourke, the Mexican Irishman running for President, at an MSNBC town hall forum last year. ... 

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Why Is Biden Running?

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Joe Biden criticizes Trump’s Iran strategy as a self-inflicted disaster while his opponents take advantage of Biden’s own gaffes.

As we all know, Joe Biden is running for President.  Why?  The Democrats appear to be pinning their hopes on someone whose mental acuity appears to be substantially diminished from what it was just a few years ago.  And Biden had problems then.  Biden actually appears to be less mentally agile than Robert Mueller when Mueller appeared before Congress recently.  And Mueller appeared lost at times during those hearings. What the Democrats accomplished during those hearings was to disgrace a man in front of the whole country.  What are they trying to accomplish with Biden? ... 

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