Category Archives: Heros

A Boy On A Beach

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As we enjoy festivities on the 4th of July, the following video reminds us of the sacrifices that so many made so that we can be part of the greatest country in the history of the world.  It is 76 years since D-Day in Normandy when so many young Americans of all ethnicities stormed the beaches in the face of murderous machine gun fire.  Because of what they did, we enjoy the great country that we have today.

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Antifa Comes To Town

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You will not hear about this from the NYTimes.  After a week or so of robbing and pillaging in America’s cities, Antifa decided that they would go out to the rural areas of the country to work their violence act.  Coeur d’Alene, Idaho was on their list.  The people of Coeur d’Alene got wind of this.

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It’s About Time

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It’s about time.

Since all this rioting and looting started, we’ve been inundated with crap about police.  Spineless politicians, bobbleheads in the MSM and so-called leaders of Black Lives Matter have led the way in insulting the police, describing them as brutal and out of control.  Led by Sens. Cory Booker and Kamala Harris, speeches have been given implying that that the police are mass murderers, determined to wipe out large swaths of America’s black population.

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Open Memo To Obama

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Last week former President Obama phoned his Alumni Association.  Obama droned on about the Flynn case, about the rule of law being lost, about being on a slippery slope, etc.

On Tuesday, Sidney Powell, Flynn’s defense attorney, filed an open memo on Twitter responding  to Obama.  It was 404’ed by Twitter but not before copies were made.

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A True American Hero

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Robert Kennedy would not recognize the Democratic Party today.  Not only do they flout the law, they boast about breaking it.  Not only do they tolerate what they know to be wrong, they join in and wallow in it.

The Democrats believe themselves to be above the law.  Some within the Democratic Party who know about wrongdoing, are too deeply involved to speak out.  Others are too frightened to speak up.  This is, perhaps, understandable in light of the number of people in the past who were ready to speak out who met an untimely end.

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Yes Virginia, There Is A Second Amendment

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The new year is here.  It’s also a new decade.  Every rollover from one year to the next brings with it changes to the political landscape.   This year is no exception.  In November Virginia voted to make their legislature Democratic as well as the governorship.  Almost as soon as the ballot counting had ended, state legislators began floating the idea of widespread gun confiscation.

On November 18, State Sen. Dick Saslaw introduced a bill that he will sponsor in the 2020 legislative session. This bill will outlaw the possession of certain firearms.  Every rifle of the common AR-15 design and a great many pistols and shotguns in common use for personal defense, target shooting, and hunting would be banned.

Please note this is not just banning the sale or transfer of such weapons.  It criminalizes the possession of such weapons.  It would be a Class 6 felony.  In Virginia, Class 6 felonies are punishable by imprisonment for between one and five years.

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The Storm Is Here

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Devin Nunes is the Ranking Member, former Chairman, of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.  Please listen to this interview and keep in mind that EVERYTHING in the Nunes memo from 2018 has been proven to be true by IG Horowitz’ report.  This is despite a virulent campaign launched by the Democrats and their allies in the media against Nunes and his family almost two years ago.

Sundance at CTH notes,

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PDJT wants to transform U.S. relations with North Korea. And it certainly appears that PDJT made big gains on Sunday.   Remember “Peace is the Prize.”  The world is waiting to see the outcome.

North Korea has released a remarkable 16-minute video that was broadcast in their country. It simply overflows with praise for the meeting at Panmunjom.  The tone, narration, music, and cinematography all point to selling the public that a new era is dawning.  The full video is embedded at the end of the article.

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