The new year is here. It’s also a new decade. Every rollover from one year to the next brings with it changes to the political landscape. This year is no exception. In November Virginia voted to make their legislature Democratic as well as the governorship. Almost as soon as the ballot counting had ended, state legislators began floating the idea of widespread gun confiscation.
On November 18, State Sen. Dick Saslaw introduced a bill that he will sponsor in the 2020 legislative session. This bill will outlaw the possession of certain firearms. Every rifle of the common AR-15 design and a great many pistols and shotguns in common use for personal defense, target shooting, and hunting would be banned.
Please note this is not just banning the sale or transfer of such weapons. It criminalizes the possession of such weapons. It would be a Class 6 felony. In Virginia, Class 6 felonies are punishable by imprisonment for between one and five years.
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