Category Archives: PDJT

Posts connected with President Trump

Biden Calls Americans Extremists

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Joe Biden’s campaign launched its first propaganda video of 2024. In it, Biden calls millions of Americans “extremists.”  This is accomplished by showing a woman praying in front of an American flag at the beginning of the video while Biden denigrates those in our country who believe in the core values our founders gave us.

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Nation of Laws

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America is a nation of laws built on a Judeo-Christian foundation.  However, if you look around the country right now, it appears that individuals with appropriate credentials (read leftists) have the right to ignore whatever law they do not like if it does not support their personal ideology.

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In this brief segment, Tucker Carlson discusses the bigger picture of the Colorado Supreme Court decision to block Donald Trump from the 2024 republican presidential primary ballot.

As accurately noted by Tucker, the terms used by professional leftists are always coordinated for a purpose.  This seems glaringly obvious with the repeated use of the term “insurrection” as applied to the events on January 6, 2021.  The hardline leftists are now moving to phase two, the actionable elements of the word use.  They are following the script that if you tell a lie often enough, eventually people will believe it as the truth.

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Colorado Goes Communist

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The Communists in the state of Colorado are terrified of PDJT being on the ballot next year.  The Communist Supreme Court in Colorado has ruled that President Trump will not be on the ballot in Colorado in 2024.

The Court dubiously cited Section 3 of the US Constitution’s 14th Amendment which states public officials who have “engaged in insurrection or rebellion against” the US may be disqualified from public office.

Trump did not engage in an insurrection nor has been charged with such.

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The media is so desperate to stop Donald Trump it is now creating outrageous claims about his potential actions when he becomes President.  The problem is the claims are so outlandish, only the most sheltered blind liberal zombies will believe them.  In fact, the media’s latest idea that Trump will create “concentration camps and assassinate his rivals” are so out of line they are back firing on the media.

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Massive crowds continue to show up and support PDJT wherever he goes.  The kinds of crowds that PDJT draws have no corollary in American politics.  People have short memories but when has any candidate drawn crowds like PDJT draws?

Recently PDJT held a rally in Durham, NH.  People showed up many hours ahead of time just to be part of the rally.  The political elite call us “deplorables,” “fascists,” “Nazis” but it does not matter.  If anything PDJT’s support just grows stronger with every brickbat that they throw at him.  Soon half the country will be a “terror” watchlist because we support PDJT.

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Thanksgiving 2023

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Thanksgiving is once again upon us.  In this uniquely American holiday, we give thanks for all the good things in our lives.  On more than one occasion, I have said that I won the lottery when I was born in this country.  The greatest experiment in human governance may be struggling right now but we can give thanks that it is still here.

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