Category Archives: PDJT

Posts connected with President Trump

Worse Than Trump

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Kari Lake, the political newcomer who is leading the race for Governor in Arizona, has been labeled “worse than Trump.”  This is because she speaks the truth and does not turn the other cheek when attacked.  She also stands up for America and its values.  On Friday, Lake once again showed her “worse than Trump” side.

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Political ‘Justice’ in America

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Recently Steve Bannon was sentenced to four months in jail for ignoring a subpoena from the sham January 6thCommittee.  This seems to be part of the plan to ensnare PDJT.   Recently the J6 committee issued a subpoena for PDJT to appear.  The Trump subpoena is clearly unconstitutional as it violates the separation of powers in the Constitution.  The Democrats do not care.  The sole purpose of the J6 committee is to find some way to keep PDJT from running again for President.

Daniel McAdams has penned a piece for the Ron Paul Institute that explores much of what is really going on here.  I have excerpted some of it with my own comments.

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The FBI Lied?

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The FBI lied?  I know that this does not come as a surprise to anyone who has followed the actions of the FBI since Joe Biden was inaugurated.  The FBI is little more than a secret police who do the bidding of the Big Guy at the top.  This set of lies was directed at attorney Kellye SoRelle and resulted in her arrest for supposed activities on January 6, 2020.

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The Most Divisive President

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During a recent speech at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Joe Biden angrily called out Republicans and conservatives as extremists that “threaten the very foundations of our republic.”  Recent polls show that the majority of the public sees his speech as one that was designed to incite conflict.

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Playing A Dangerous Game

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Russia has annexed four provinces that were formerly part of Ukraine.  Ceremonies have been held in Moscow celebrating these events.  This was done after the provinces held referendums on which country they wanted to be part of.

What I have written above are the facts as they exist right now.  There is no bias to these facts.  There is no ideological bent to these facts.  Where there is disagreement is in the stated results.

Russia claimed that the result was favorable to them.  The West claims it was all a fraud.  In war everybody lies about something.

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Mar-a-Lago Background, Epilogue

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Thinking outside the box.  Good problem solvers often can think well outside the norms.  In the case of the Mar-a-Lago raid there appears to be a larger story going on.  One has to look at the whole gamut of what is going on to fully appreciate that.  What might seem to be one thing on the surface can turn out to be something else entirely.

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Odds & Ends

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Justin Bieber continues to suffer health setbacks from his vaccinations.  Justin Bieber has been forced to suspend the rest of his world tour.  The 28-year-old pop star announced in a Tuesday post on his Instagram story that he has dealt with exhaustion while trying to get back on tour, and that the effort “took a real toll on me.”

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