Category Archives: PDJT

Posts connected with President Trump

Do They Want A Civil War?

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The political corruption in Washington is so bad that the DOJ is now conducting a grand jury proceeding that is targeting PDJT for sedition for the events of January 6th.  Why?  Because the Democrats’ prospects in November are abysmal.

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A Win For The Right To Life

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The Supreme Court on Friday overturned Roe v. Wade, effectively ending, on the federal level, recognition of the legal right to kill unborn babies, the most vulnerable among us.  It will now be up to the individual states to allow, limit, or ban abortion altogether.  It is hopeful that the sanctity of life will guide many of those decisions.

The ruling came in the case known as Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which centered on a Mississippi law that banned abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy. The State of Mississippi asked the Supreme Court to strike down a lower court ruling that stopped the 15-week abortion ban from taking place.

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It Is 25th Amendment Time

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We have heard about the dementia of Joe Biden for a long time.  It is getting worse.  Biden may have been gaffe-prone when he had all his faculties but the extent that he needs to be told what to do is getting downright ridiculous and scary at the same time.  Let’s remember this man controls the nuclear codes.

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More Weaponization of the DOJ

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FBI agents raided the home of former Trump DOJ official Jeffrey Clark On Wednesday.  Agents would not let him get dressed, instead forcing him out in the street in his pajamas while they ransacked his home.  Clark, is being investigated by the sham January 6 Unselect Committee and now the Justice Department for his role in President Trump’s legal efforts to stop the steal of the 2020 presidential election.

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When will Durham Act?

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With the Democrats trying to amp up coverage of the “J6 insurrection,” perhaps it is time to review once again a real attempt to execute a coup against the American government.

Michael Caputo is someone who is well versed in how political campaigns operate, especially high-powered ones that are operating in Presidential election campaigns.  As such, Caputo can explain the command and control aspects of opposition research.

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Economic Security

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Economic security is the foundation for national security.  How did PDJT get elected in 2016?  His views on the American economy, his belief in the American worker set him apart from the crowded Republican primary field in 2016 and propelled him to the forefront.  Despite being outspent more than 2 to 1 in the presidential election, Trump prevailed because he was able to communicate this foundational idea on economic security to the public.

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Here & There

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Democrats continue to try to sexualize all of our kids regardless of age.  Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said that “drag queens make everything better” and that there should be “a drag queen for every school.”

This woman is promoting the grooming of kids for sexual predators and abusers.  When I first heard about this, I assumed it had to be a piece from Babylon Bee.  It isn’t.  It is factual news.

Nothing makes Satan more satisfied than the destruction of the innocent.  This just what this woman is attempting to do.  There is little difference between her actions here and Ghislaine Maxwell’s actions in snaring underage children for Jeffrey Epstein’s escapades. ... 

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Trump Is Finished

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Trump held a rally in Wyoming that ostensibly, according to leftist news outlets, was because Cheney voted to impeach Trump.  The news media characterized the rally was a grudge rally against Liz Cheney.  They published stories touting a most empty arena and published pictures to back this story up.  Trump once again is finished.

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