Category Archives: PDJT

Posts connected with President Trump

Thoughts In An Idle Mind

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The Democratic candidate for President, Joe Biden, committed himself to choose a “woman of color” for his running mate for Vice President. Of course, he did just that.  Isn’t choosing a candidate on the basis of skin color the very definition of being racist?

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Thoughts Through An Idle Mind

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Hillary Clinton says the thought of Donald Trump winning the election makes her “literally sick to my stomach.”  I wonder why?

That’s an extraordinary reaction for someone who has been in politics for as long as she has.  Perhaps the real reason is because she knows she will have to account for the role she played in launching the Russiagate scandal as well as numerous other less than ethical activities from the Clinton Global Initiative and the Clinton Foundation.

Oh well.  Hillary could always stock up on Pepto. ... 

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Dr. Tom Woods has put out an article on the potential future that we would face if Joe Biden were elected President.  Specifically Dr. Woods focuses on the COVID-19 chaos engulfing the world.

Remember that creep Dr. Zeke Emanuel?

I’ll refresh your memory:

“We cannot return to normal until there’s a vaccine. Conferences, concerts, sporting events, religious services, dinner in a restaurant, none of that will resume until we find a vaccine, a treatment, or a cure….

“We need to prepare ourselves for this to last 18 months or so and for the toll that it will take. We need to develop a long-term solution based on those facts. It has to account for what we are losing while this fight goes on, things like schooling and income and contact with our friends and extended family.” ... 

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More Accomplishments

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Some more of what PDJT has done in less than 4 years.

    • Issued regulations establishing new or expanded exemptions from the Obamacare contraceptive mandate based on religious beliefs or moral convictions

  • Initiative to stop opioid abuse and reduce drug supply and demand
    • $6 billion in new funding to fight the opioid epidemic
    • Reduced high-dose opioid prescriptions by 16% in 2017
    • Created commission on combating drug addiction and the opioid crisis
    • $484 million target grants in FY 2017 to help areas hit hardest by the opioid crisis
    • Signed INTERDICT Act, strengthening efforts to detect and intercept synthetic opioids before they reach our communities
    •  ... 

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Thoughts Through An Idle Mind

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Carolyn Ryan, Assistant Managing Editor of the NY Times, saw a story that she thought was perfect for the day.  The title was “Texas Is a Tossup. So Why Won’t Trump or Biden Campaign There?”

Is she for real?  Just what qualifications does one need to be managing editor at the NY Times?  Neither campaign is spending time there because Texas is not a tossup.  If it were, the heavy hitters would be making appearances there.  Did anyone at the NY Times ask the campaigns why they weren’t campaigning there?

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