Category Archives: PDJT

Posts connected with President Trump

A Deep State Move?

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Thomas Massie (R-KY) recently indicated that he would support Marjorie Taylor Greene’s (MTG) efforts to remove Mike Johnson as Speaker of the House.  The formal backing of MTG’s Motion To Vacate by Massie is not there yet but the public pressure that this announcement brings is not insignificant.  Let’s be reminded that the Republicans hold a very slim one vote majority with the recent resignations of several Republican House members.

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Peace is something that was achieved under the administration of PDJT.  Now not so much.  In fact, we appear to be teetering on the brink of World War III.

We are beginning to hear rumbles about peace in Ukraine.  That may happen.  But if it does happen, it will be on Russia’s terms no matter how Big Media tries to spin the story.

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Trump Opposes FISA Re-Authorization

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FISA-702 authorization expires on April 19th.  That’s the authorization for warrantless spying that is supposed to be limited to foreign nationals residing outside the United States.  However, in indisputable fact, access to the NSA database in question is routinely used to spy on Americans, particularly those who do not agree with the policies of the current government.  Of course, this is unconstitutional but they do it anyway.

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Good vs Evil

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It has been obvious for some time that the November election for the Presidency will be a choice between good and evil.  Recent actions by this administration have demonstrated that they no longer care whether people know this or not.  The recent celebration of Transgender Day of Visibility on Easter by Joe Biden shows just how far off the rails the Left has gone.

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Judicial Bias

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Jesse Watters ran a devastating segment on Judge Juan Merchan who gagged PDJT from talking about the judge’s family’s financial ties to the current sham “hush money” case he is presiding over in New York City.  Judge Merchan should be removed from the bench for failing to recuse himself.

Failure to recuse for even the appearance of conflict of interest brings a lack of public trust in the judicial system.  And this is way beyond an appearance of conflict.  Isn’t there a code of judicial ethics in New York?  Are disbarment proceedings part of that code?  Is getting Trump so important that they do not care if their corruption is exposed?  New York should think long and hard about the reputational damage being done to their state.

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Campaign Strategy

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What will the Democrats run on this election season?  The administration’s record on border security is laughable.  Biden reversed all of the Trump’s policies and basically said the border is open, come on in.  Now he is trying to blame the Republicans for not passing legislation to help him out of the box he put us all in.

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Odds & Ends

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The patently unconstitutional judgement against PDJT for 464 millions of dollars has finally seen some sanity in New York courts.  An appeals court in New York, recognizing the likelihood that Trump will prevail on appeal, lowered the bond requirement to $175 million so that an appeal can be filed.

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