Category Archives: PDJT

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There has been an interesting development on the other side of “the pond” which is the English way of referring to the Atlantic Ocean.  For more than two years the British government under Theresa May had been trying to come up with a plan to exit the European Union (EU). Most of this action under Theresa May appears to have been a stalling action.  The pols hoped that at some point the British would lose interest and the fact that the voting population had spoken out in favor of leaving the EU would disappear into history.

The fact that the Brits had voted for Brexit was as surprising as PDJT winning the Presidency here.  The polls had all shown that Brexit would go down to defeat.  Supposedly there was little chance it would pass.  The polls were wrong again.

Stalling eventually cost Theresa May her job.  The people were not happy that the UK was still in the EU.  Boris Johnson’s Party achieved a majority around the idea that he would complete the process including, if needed, a “no-deal” Brexit.

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Happy Labor Day!

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Today we celebrate Labor Day in America.  In 2019 we have much to celebrate.  Under PDJT we have seen the labor force swell to numbers never before seen in America.  Unemployment rates are at the lowest levels in more than 50 years.  Unemployment rates among minorities are at historic lows.

Jobs are going begging in some areas.  Companies are posting signs along the roadways by their buildings advertising their open positions.  Signing bonuses have showed up in some industries particularly trucking.  Wages are increasing at rates not seen in a long time.  At the same time inflation has remained low.  This means more money in the pockets of Americans.

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Beto Bans The Press

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“If we don’t have a free press, if we cannot make informed decisions at the ballot box, if we can’t hold people like me accountable, and make sure that we’re held honest to the promises that we made, to the job that we’re performing in these positions of public trust, we’ll lose the essence of our democracy.”

This is really good stuff.  That is, if the person who made this proclamation really meant it.  Who said this?  Beto O’Rourke, the Mexican Irishman running for President, at an MSNBC town hall forum last year. ... 

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Why Is Biden Running?

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Joe Biden criticizes Trump’s Iran strategy as a self-inflicted disaster while his opponents take advantage of Biden’s own gaffes.

As we all know, Joe Biden is running for President.  Why?  The Democrats appear to be pinning their hopes on someone whose mental acuity appears to be substantially diminished from what it was just a few years ago.  And Biden had problems then.  Biden actually appears to be less mentally agile than Robert Mueller when Mueller appeared before Congress recently.  And Mueller appeared lost at times during those hearings. What the Democrats accomplished during those hearings was to disgrace a man in front of the whole country.  What are they trying to accomplish with Biden? ... 

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The Panda Mask

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Over the weekend Chinese “lead” negotiator Liu He said China sought “calm” negotiations and opposed any escalation in the ongoing trade war..

“We are willing to solve the problem through consultation and cooperation with a calm attitude.  We firmly oppose the escalation of the trade war.”

Liu He noted that the trade war is not conducive to China, the U.S. and the interests of people all over the world.

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Special Weekend Edition

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More details have become available about the actions of Patrick Byrne, the CEO of Overstock who resigned yesterday.  Byrne resigned for a number of reasons, not the least of which appears to be concerns for his personal safety after the “suicide” of Jeffrey Epstein.

In all Byrne gave four interviews regarding his involvement on behalf of the FBI in what he is calling “political espionage”.  His story is consistent across all four interviews.

In 2015, Patrick Byrne was approached by FBI officials.  They wanted him to cultivate a relationship with one Maria Butina, a Russian national who is an accused Russian agent.  This had occurred after he had picked up the phone and reported a contact with Butina as he was required to do so by law. Why?  Because Byrne has a low-level security clearance.

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Yesterday Patrick Byrne, CEO of, resigned his position. Now CEO’s do leave their companies from time to time.  However, few if any CEO’s have done so for the reasons Byrne put forth.

Byrne has led the company for 20 years.  In 1999, Byrne was approached by the founder of D2-Discounts Direct with a request for operating capital.  Byrne found the idea of online closeouts intriguing, and invested $7 million for a 60 percent equity stake in the company in the spring of 1999.  In September the same year he took over as CEO, and the following month the company was renamed

According to Patrick Byrne, due to earlier relationships with federal law enforcement (17 years ago…helped to snare the murderer of a friend and 12 years ago…helped with a Wall Street investigation), he was approached in/around 2015 to help out the FBI with another operation.

As he indicates, he felt there was something fishy about the operation. However, the people who approached him he felt were honorable.  It was only several years later that he figured out where the orders had come from.

Byrne has Continue reading...


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PDJT negativism has changed.  The Russian Collusion Hoax is officially dead.  The use of this hoax to undermine the Trump Presidency has failed, spectacularly so at times.  One can tell the hoax is done because the MSM and Wall Street have switched gears and are now trying to talk the American public into a recession.  They know that, if they can succeed at this, then there might be a chance that a Democrat, any Democrat, someone who they could control, could win the Presidency in 2020.

This past week the pundits at the MSM were screaming about “an inverted yield curve” that they said foretold an impending recession.  According to them it had not happened since 2007 right before the beginning of the Great Recession.  Of course, this was a lie since this had happened last year and no recession has appeared on the horizon.  Wall Street took note of the screaming and promptly lost 800 points.

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Eureka!  An economic analyst who understands what is actually happening!  This embedded video with Mohamed El-Erian accurately explains what is going on economically around the world.  As Sundance at CTH, who has been saying this since PDJT took office, notes,

Finally an economic analyst gets prime-time media pundits to listen as he describes the fundamental difference between the U.S. “Economy” (Main Street) and the U.S. “Markets” (Wall Street).  Charles Payne understands most of this, but El-Erian has it nailed.

Allianz Group chief economic advisor, Mohamed El-Erian, accurately describes what is happening in an era where deglobalization is taking place. The U.S. economy is strong; however, the multinationals on Wall Street -invested overseas- are exposed.  Thus there’s a disconnect and accompanying market volatility.

This is well worth watching because this is the first well-regarded financial pundit that is speaking truth to Wall Street in terms the panel pundits will understand/accept.

There is an interesting slam of the Obama policies by the host at the 6:08 mark.  Are more and more people coming around to the fact that Obama’s presidency was a disaster?

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